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Head shaving

im starting a company that will sell products catered to the bald man, im having problems coming up with a company name can you assist thank you
im starting a company that will sell products catered to the bald man, im having problems coming up with a company name can you assist thank you

By all means, don't use HeadSmooth.

Keven, good luck man because you are still trying waaaayyy too hard and social networks aren't the way to do it.

Plus bald men do not need products, head shavers maybe. That one is on me and I'm not charging you a consulting fee.

And here's your other thread in case you lost it -> http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=178349
There are 2 sides to the head shaving camp, those that are bald by choice and who can grow a full head of hair and those that had a crappy receding head of hair and decided to solve their problem by getting rid of the hair.
I'm a member of the later group.
Many of us are tired of being told that we need a full head of hair to be happy or to attract women.
We're told we should spend out money on hair transplants and snake oil products to regrow our hair.
The truth is we don't require any special products to shave our head, the products made for face shaving work just as well on the head.
I used to use the HeadBlade and it's a fine product for shaving ones head but it a lousy product for shaving ones face.
This requires a person to have 2 different razors and maybe cartridges to shave.
I find a DE razor does a great job on the head and face.
I'm a member of this Head Shaving forum, we mostly discuss other thing besides head shaving.
I head shave every other day, the preparation and products I use are the same that I use for face shaving.

I need no stinking products.
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Baldness sort of runs in my family but at 38 I've still got my glorious locks of what some call "anchorman hair". However, my brother, sister-in-law, and wife keep telling me I'm losing my hair. I know they are full of it though. I've always said that if I were to ever start losing my hair in a significant, non-uniform kind of way I would just "go Picard". As in Jean Luc Picard, the capt of the Starship Enterprise.

My recommendation is, "Going Picard"

Good luck with your endeavour and I hope to never be a client. :tongue_sm


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