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Having Some Bad Luck

So recently, I made a post where I found one of my fountain pens with a bent nib. I was quite upset since I don't know who did it and no one mentioned it to me. However, I later managed to straighten it out. For the record, it is quite a heavy pen. Anyways, I was out and about and needed to lean up against a wall to write something in my notebook. (Tough life of a student). Naturally, with my luck I dropped the pen, and it landed nib down. I'm rather against buying a new nib for it since a levenger nib is around $25 and I paid $30 for the used pen.

Would you recommend going and ordering a new nib, or having it sent it to some nib master. If so, which one do you recommend?

Thanks for helping a brother in need :lol:
I think sending it out is going to cost you about the same amount as the new nib, you could always buy three pilot 78g pens since they are ten bucks shipped then if you drop one you will have 2 back ups.

But i would say buy a new one, you will have it back up and running lickety split, just dont lick it


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I think the Levenger nibs, at least my True-Writer, is a standard Schmidt assembly, the same as a TWSBI. Ask in the TWSBI thread, maybe someone there has a clue.

I do think buying the new nib from Levenger will be the way to go.
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