Well, the first time I tried the unicot method it kind of worked. Kind of, in that I got a shave out of it, but it was pretty uncomfortable. I did 20 laps with just water to try and work out the kinks, but this made the edge much worse. I decided that since it kind of succeeded my first try, that I should try the unicot method again. I need the practice anyway, right? Well, long story short, I've tried the unicot method in full 5 times, and the dilucot method 3 times with this same razor, and still can't get a shaving edge out of it! I'm really frustrated at this point. Also, I had a shave ready razor that just needed touching up, so I figured I'd do about 15 laps on the coticule with just water as I hear it's a great finisher. The edge on that one is now terrible! Do I just have a horrible awful coti, or what? My x-stroke is fine, as I get decent results from my Norton kit and my Chinese 12k. I would say my x-stroke is now pretty good actually considering I've polished on the C12k a bunch of times, and each session was at least 100 strokes on that narrow stone. What's the secret? Why is everyone else able to get such amazing results out of this stone and I can't get anything? I also just tried the Dilucot method with another razor, and that one could barely shave arm hair when I was done with it!