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Have you, or would you ever give another person a straight razor shave?

Have you, or would you ever give another person a straight razor shave?

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  • Not yet, but I would be happy to

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Since first picking up a straight razor only a few months ago, my brother-in-law keeps nagging me to give him a straight razor shave. My first reaction was "Hell NO!". I definitely don't hate the fellow enough to give him "the closest shave he'll ever have".

This got me thinking about how many other people on B&B have taken a straight razor to someone else, or if not yet, do you feel comfortable enough with your technique to try it on someone?

Please share any experiences!
I'd be willing to give it a shot on someone else!

You know what's cool, my wife is a hairdresser and as has barber's training as part of her schooling. And as part of that, she actually learned to shave others with a straight razor! They learned by lathering up a balloon and shaving the balloon without popping it. (not sure how accurate that is to real life, but alas....)So I have actually gotten a straight shave from my wife, and she actually knows what she's doing!!

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Had a GF who thought getting her legs straightshaved was shall we say extremely stimulating and pleasurable. I guess it was some Freudian stuff about vulnerability, trust, helplessness, danger, and of course the tactile feel of the brush and the blade certainly didn't hurt anything. And she loved the attention. The next one when I suggested it gave me the "What... are you crazy" look.
Had a GF who thought getting her legs straightshaved was shall we say extremely stimulating and pleasurable. I guess it was some Freudian stuff about vulnerability, trust, helplessness, danger, and of course the tactile feel of the brush and the blade certainly didn't hurt anything. And she loved the attention. The next one when I suggested it gave me the "What... are you crazy" look.

What?! A bonafide stunt shaver rebuffed? That's hard to believe, Slash. :biggrin1:
Yes. When my father was in the hospital. After a week of being hospitalized I discovered that the Canadian health system didn't concern itself with non-essential services, such as shaving. He already had a half-inch growth, so upon my next visit I brought some soap, face-towels, a bowl, some aftershave and a trusted blade. I stropped at home and gave him SAS shave in his hospital bed. I was more nervous than him, which resulted in a tiny nick. Three days later I shaved him again, this time with more confidence, and no blood. He loved it; as he's never had anybody shave him before.

He is out of the woods now and able to shave himself....
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What?! A bonafide stunt shaver rebuffed? That's hard to believe, Slash. :biggrin1:
Not hard to believe, If someone holds up a razor made of DE blades, duct tape, a ballpoint pen and blindfold and says "Let me shave your pubes" I would say no too. :lol:

I have shaved many people, 2 balloons, several manikins, my wife's legs, my face, and dozens of test patches along my arms and legs...
No way. I have tremors. Anyone foolish enough to let me shave them should be locked up for their own good.

But I am reminded of a Trevanian novel, Shibumi, wherein the protagonist and his Japanese hot-chick-for-hire girl friend and he would include shaving each other's bodies as part of foreplay--with the warning, kids don't try this at home. :tongue_sm
Never a full shave but I have shaped up a few of my friends beards before we went out and routinely clean up my brothers neck in between haircuts
Do my wife's legs count? I do them all the time! She especially loves the Klar Kab with my huge 30mm extra densely packed silvertip brush.
Had a GF who thought getting her legs straightshaved was shall we say extremely stimulating and pleasurable. I guess it was some Freudian stuff about vulnerability, trust, helplessness, danger, and of course the tactile feel of the brush and the blade certainly didn't hurt anything. And she loved the attention. The next one when I suggested it gave me the "What... are you crazy" look.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Again, but with slightly more emphasis, pics or it didn't happen.

The best I can do here is a shot of the razor.

Not with a straight razor, but I've given a buddy a barber shop style shave with a safety razor before. A lot of beer preempted that decision. Turned out great though!
One of my friends is doing this and giving $4 straight razor shaves. He is going to barber school but been shaving with a straight razor for a little over a year. I wouldn't mind giving some friends some shaves.
Much respect to the guys who are shaving their SWMBOs' legs!

Mine is 8 months pregnant so I'd fear for my own life taking a straight to her legs, God help me if I knicked her leg even a little! :a46:
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