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Have you found the perfect combination of everything?

I have, and for me it's Kiss My Face cream, a Gillette Speed razor, and Personna red blades. This combination gives me a close, irritation and nick-free shave every time.

For some reason, none of the other soaps or creams I've tried provide that ultra-slick quality that KMF does. It really does allow the blade to glide over your face with little to no resistance, and I love the snapping sound of the whiskers being cut.

What can I say about the Personna reds? I know they're not the sharpest blades out there, but I've tried some of the sharper ones and I simply get better shaves when using reds.

I put my equipment to the ultimate test this morning. I ALWAYS shave after I get out of the shower, while I'm still wet and my beard is moist. With my mind on the the dinner I'm cooking today, I got out of the shower this morning and completely forgot about shaving. I got dressed and took one last look in the mirror and realized I forgot to shave. I looked at my tube of KMF and noticed it says "moisture shave." I thought why not find out if it actually does moisturize. So I whipped a bowl and applid it to my face. I let it sit on my face for about 5 minutes before I started shaving to allow it to soften by beard. Not only did it soften my beard, I couldn't really tell any difference between shaving this way or shaving right after a shower. It was just as smooth, and slick, and irritation-free as it always is. Normally, I would end up with a lot of nicks and/or irritation shaving in this manner.

I still like to switch things up once in a while by using different creams and soaps (yes, there are others I get good results with), but this is my ultimate combo. What's your's?
34c, Blue Bird, Irisch Moos... best shaves I have gotten since starting.

... but, I thought I had already found my combo with a 23c, Feather, Proraso..

but, I kept experimenting and found the combo that was even better... I'm done experimenting for a while.
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Ah, come on now!

Do you really think you can trick us into confessing we've found the holy grail of shaving?

How could I then possibly justify any further experimentation?

Just think,

- No drooling over a new as yet untried razor.
- No enjoyment of a new soap fragrance
- Wow, I've never seen those blades before. Doesn't matter though, as I won't bother trying them!
- etc.

I'm still getting there, but my slim set on 3, a lord platinum, and proraso cream have been working well for me.
Right now my favorite pair are at opposite ends of the aggressiveness scale. A 1940's Gold Tech and a vintage silver plated Merkur Slant. I like the Slant for shaving my head, and I find the Tech to give me a decent face shave without irritation. I tried a couple of adjustable Gillette's and I just don't like them that much, so they are going the way of the bay.

Soaps/creams, that's another story. I'm trying different products. I have some Proraso coming in the mail and I am going to get some face melting, brain frying carcinogen laced Tabac along with some MWF.
Right now my favorite pair are at opposite ends of the aggressiveness scale. A 1940's Gold Tech and a vintage silver plated Merkur Slant. I like the Slant for shaving my head, and I find the Tech to give me a decent face shave without irritation. I tried a couple of adjustable Gillette's and I just don't like them that much, so they are going the way of the bay.

Soaps/creams, that's another story. I'm trying different products. I have some Proraso coming in the mail and I am going to get some face melting, brain frying carcinogen laced Tabac along with some MWF.

You should try Kiss My Face. It's the bee's knees! Tabac and Proraso are a couple of my other favorites. I don't quite know what to think about MWF, nice shave, but very wierd smell.
A straight razor from the rotation, Tabac shave soap, Floid (Italian, classic), and Gentlemen's Refinery unscented balm. Perfect.

I gotta agree, KMF is pretty good. Taylor's is too. So is Proraso. I get about the same great results from all of these. As for the razor.....
I'm pretty close -- maybe even there.

1) Either of my two favorite straights. The two are very different so I suspect I will eventually gravitate towards one or the other but so far I am on the fence -- both are great shavers: Revisor 6/8 full hollow and TI Le Grelot 6/8 3/4-full.

2) Prairie Creations soap. There is still a chance MWF or Cella will sneak back in here but I've been moving more and more towards the PC.

3) Rooney 1/1 super brush. I still "play" with others but none are threatening to take over.

4) Witch Hazel. T.N. Dickinson but the brand probably is not important except Thayers has fallen out of favor.

5) There is no number 5. No pre-shaves. No after-shaves (except the WH). Until recently I was using an alum block but my shaves have been getting to the point where there is no need for an alum block -- no burn, no weepers.
I should have added in my previous post that my after shave ritual is pretty well set, I rub in some Witch Hazel then finish up with Clubman Pinaud.
I'm still new at this and may need to edit this post in the future, but for now: Gillette Super Speed Razor, Derby Baldes and VDH Shaving Soap make a great combination.
Red Israelis are amazing
My Gillette Adjustable is amazing
Witch Hazel is perfect

For soaps, many are wonderful. Same think with AS Balms. I love the variety of a different soap, cream and AS each day.
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