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Have I told you how much I love you guys? (and gals)

I got sucked into a Gun Rights debate on a local community message board, it was my own fault but I couldn't help myself from trying to make a coherent rational point . It took all of 10 posts before it devolved into mouthbreathers screaming talking points at each other (from both sides). I bailed on page 2, and it's already on page 12 with no signs of slowing down.

Made me come running back here for some grown-up conversation post-haste.
For the record, the point I tried to make was along the lines of "this is a nuanced issue, you can't be so dogmatic in your position".
Apparently True Believers aren't a fan of nuance :)
You can't be too eloquent in an online debate. You have to start off with 'ur' and referring to the other side as 'nazis' right off the bat.
Oh firearm rights debates... they are fun... no that other thing scary as hell! All the crazies come out of the woodwork to insault the other side more than argue for or against the rights in question... It was a good plan to come back here!
I don't dare read threads outside of B&B dealing with controversial subjects. I've always appreciated the gentlemanly tone here.
I have always said that those who are the least informed about a subject are always the first and loudest to express their opinions about something.

Something my grandmother told me once that has always stuck....

"It is enough to know that you are right. There is no point in telling everyone you are"
An interesting anecdote, don't know if it really happened or not but the truth holds. Two men traveling in Europe; one would go to the town square each day to listen to the men debate current events. His buddy asked him on the third day why he went and observed that he doesn't even speak the language - how can he even understand what the debate is about? The second fellow responded, "Oh, I don't need to know the language - I can tell who is losing the debate because he is the first to raise his voice."
100% agree, and share your frustration.
It seems like any attempt at discussing a reasonable middle ground *on any subject* just gives you twice as many enemies.
I truly appreciate coming here and being among gentlemen.
It's not just the big socio-political stuff that brings out the..."exhaust pipe openings". I've been on a number of forums where the very mention of a brand someone doesn't use triggers personal abuse. Add to that the typical "I'm so obviously superior" types, and the SCOVAs (Self Certified Officious Victim's Advocates) who just like to scold, and the ones who tell you to get out if you don't think some point of trivia is of the most vital importance.....and this forum is one of the pitiful few friendly ones left. God bless all of you reasonable friendly folk!! BTW, YMMV:biggrin1:
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Fridays are Fishtastic!
For the record, the point I tried to make was along the lines of "this is a nuanced issue, you can't be so dogmatic in your position".
Apparently True Believers aren't a fan of nuance :)
Nuance has gone the way of the dodo, sadly. Everything is so damn black and white, and if you don't agree with me you are an enemy of the state, etc. It gives me tired head.
I have debated this issue until I have run out of breath. I care not to bother anymore.

There are imbeciles on both sides of this one. The middle ground will never be found.

It is comforting that it has stayed off the radar in here.
I got sucked into a Gun Rights debate on a local community message board, it was my own fault but I couldn't help myself from trying to make a coherent rational point . It took all of 10 posts before it devolved into mouthbreathers screaming talking points at each other (from both sides). I bailed on page 2, and it's already on page 12 with no signs of slowing down.

Made me come running back here for some grown-up conversation post-haste.

I think that the biggest thing that keeps things civil on this forum (as opposed to other forums) is that most of us sign our posts with our real names. While there is a function of anonymity even disagreements are just that. My favorite internet law on other forums is reductio ad Hilterum. It almost never fails.



Fridays are Fishtastic!
I think that the biggest thing that keeps things civil on this forum (as opposed to other forums) is that most of us sign our posts with our real names. While there is a function of anonymity even disagreements are just that. My favorite internet law on other forums is reductio ad Hilterum. It almost never fails.

That and when someones does get froggy, the mod squad does a great job of handling it.
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