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Has the Shavepocalipse arrived?

Last week I bought the last 2 packs of blades at the local Walmart---went there yesterday and there were no replacements and its spot was taken up with another overpriced cart:mad3:. Also read a thread on here where a guy stated his Walmart didn't carry blades either.

So if the worlds largest retailer no longer carries DE blades --is the end near?
Walmart always changes stock
I buy nothing from them shaving wise, really nothing period exept for Royal oak charcoal, and my contact lens fomula clearcare.

Shave apoc. Is no where near.
Pretty much both our Target and Wally World deep sixed most traditional shave gear.
In Target's case it's always been a limited time thing(though I must say I'm not happy to see "Classic" Old Spice AS replaced with OS Hawkridge) and Wally World seems to have dumped some of the traditional items along all but a minimum of Nivea items to make way for heavy placement of the AXE razors/AS etc. and the Dove for Men stuff.
I thinks it's more likely the corporate bean counters just decided there is a lot more profit in selling $20.00 packs of carts instead of $1.79 packs of Wilkinson DE blades.
We have an awful lot of options if the end is nigh.

The whole "shavepocalypse" theory is crackpot wankery if you ask me.
Walmart product stocking fluctuates because of their "bulk" buying business model. If they can't get just the right deal at the right price it may disappear from the shelves for awhile. Remember, we are talking serious bulk buying here. They will often switch vendors and products in an effort to get the lowest price thus offering lower prices to the consumer. I believe some form of DE blade will get back into the mix sometime soon.
My supermarkets sell Wilkinson blades but I prefer Personna and Feather. Wilkinson have also released a cheap cart razor for about £7 with 8 blades costing the same. But it's not for me.
I know the my local Walmart, Kmart, Target didn't have any blades when I looked. I think a big problem is even when I ask for help most of the clerks have no idea what I'm talking about.
No offense to anyone, but why bother for blades at these places unless traveling?

I always order sample packs or 100 when I see one I favor on sale.

Still have yet to figure out my favorite. Been on prowl for 100 Polsilver SI at a good price.
I know that in grocery stores, companies will pay to have a certain amount of space on the shelves. In my store, Pepsi and Coke and chip companies pay big bucks for a certain amount of shelf space. Maybe Dove or Axe is doing this as well, so they're clearing out the items that don't pay for shelf space, and replacing them with products from companies that do.

Just my .02c.
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