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Has anyone shaved with a Parker razor with the new 2010 TTO head?

No experience with the tto new head models but I did have the new 65R and was promised it would give a good shave. At first it seemed OK but after a few weeks and comparing it to my other razors I decided it was not for me and sold it.
I bought one about a year ago. It worked just fine, and I thought it was pretty great until I picked up an old junker at a thrift store. My advice is spend a few extra dollars and pick up the Edwin Jagger instead. I just bought one and its well worth the extra money, as long as you don't mind it not being TTO
I started out DE/Wetshaving with a Parker 86r. I thought it was the best thing ever! I learned how to get DFS+ with it. It was annoying to clean up though...

Then I went on to a Futur, and a number of vintage Gillette's. The parker is easily my least liked razor. Actually I haven't even bothered touching it since I got all my other razors.

Will it do the job of shaving your face? Yes. But it is just not the same as other brands out there. I will never buy another Parker no matter how nice it looks.
From the title it seems like you're saying that the heads have been re-designed?
I've only shaved with the old style - which was really low quality. It does seem like Parker is trying to respond to the resurgence in wet shaving with improved quality in their three piece models. Do you have links to any vendor sites, etc showing the new TTO heads?
Tails, up. Heads down.

I find Parker handles are well designed and weighted. The top ends have been (until now?) pretty haphazard work.
From the title it seems like you're saying that the heads have been re-designed?
I've only shaved with the old style - which was really low quality. It does seem like Parker is trying to respond to the resurgence in wet shaving with improved quality in their three piece models. Do you have links to any vendor sites, etc showing the new TTO heads?

Here is a link to a vender post here on B&B. super safety razors. You'll find a link to their site there where you can view their pictures.

Supposedly all of their TTO razors now come with the new head even if it isn't written in their description.

They also have a new TTO, the 82r.
Wow - the 82R looks nice but unfortunately the price isn't shown since it's out of stock. It would be interesting to see the quality of the new razors. I've really liked the look of a lot of their razors, but I'm disappointed in the quality of the one I purchased as my first razor. Howard1616 is a good seller and easy to deal with. I'm sure someone will buy one of these new razors and let us know.
If anyone is interested in one of these razors with the new head, make sure you buy it from an appropiate source. If you don't, you might be getting one with the old head.

Unless the 82R razor sold out within a couple of days, I don't think it has actually been up for sale yet. I checked it out the site a few days ago and they didn't have it then.
If anyone is interested in one of these razors with the new head, make sure you buy it from an appropiate source. If you don't, you might be getting one with the old head.

Unless the 82R razor sold out within a couple of days, I don't think it has actually been up for sale yet. I checked it out the site a few days ago and they didn't have it then.

I emailed the seller to ask about the price. Howi says he'll have these in stock Friday and that there's a satisfaction guarantee on these razors. I won't have the cash this month, but I could very well order the 82R next month.
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Here is a link to a vender post here on B&B. super safety razors. You'll find a link to their site there where you can view their pictures.

Supposedly all of their TTO razors now come with the new head even if it isn't written in their description.

They also have a new TTO, the 82r.

The only one that I haven't seen before is the 82R. Similiar to the 80R except the knurling on the handle. I ordered the 80R about 6 months ago. There was brassing on the head. The TTO head was built misaligned. Towards the bottom of the handle to the knob had a curved look. I sent it back and got a refund.


I corresponded with Howard1616 who seems to be the source of info on Parkers as he is a trusted seller of them. Here's the scoop on the new head.

The new head on the Parker TTOS is a complete redesign, not just a facelift. The doors are now 2.5 times thicker than the ones they have replaced. The head took 1 year of design, trial and error to perfect. The head is now much more rounded and provides superior blade alignment and angle. The shave and aggressiveness are very similar to that of the Gillette Superspeed. THe new head feels slightly less aggressive than the prior Parker TTO head, yet the shave is just as close. The new head has significantly added the weight and balance of the Parker TTO razors as the prior head was significantly lighter in weight. We have found that with high quality blades the shave is extremely smooth -- maybe the smoothest of any TTO ever.
All Parker TTO razors produced now have this new head.

It seems to me that Parker is very serious!
Got my 90R last week and tried a shave with it this past Sunday. The weight and balance feel fine but since I have never tried the older versions of the Parker TTO heads I can only compare it to the razors I currently own.

It seems a bit more aggressive than my EJ Chatsworth and closer but not as aggressive as my Merkur 11c open comb.

I used a red pack Persona and Proraso pre shave and Proraso tub/tube superlather. I ended up with about 5 or 6 weepers that ended up closing on their own.

I would have to say that at least some of the weepers can be chalked up to my technique and to my sensative skin.

I'll test the razor some more when I get home later this week.
I have a 22R - one of the closest shaves out there IMO. You need to take care setting the blade square and mind the blade gap - it's large. The result is a very clean, slant-like shave though. The pewter finish is also holding up well after >1yr of fairly regular use.
I like the looks of that 22R. I may have to get one here in a while, after my shave bank gets re-filled.
If you want one with the older head, don't forget to make sure it's the one you are buying.

Oh, no. I like that new one way better than any of the old Parkers I've seen. I like that they are stepping up the quality, and the overall styling of the razor.
I have the 22r, and since it is the only DE razor I have used I really can't compare it to anything. I am fairly satisfied w/it and have not experience any quality issues. I think it is at least good enough to begin learning to DE shave.
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