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Has anyone purchased from TSS?

The Superior Shave... They hone the razors they ship (I think?) and I have a Dovo Palisander on the way, along with a few of those silicone moisture wicking sleeves. :) My question being, should I start trying to find someone to hone it, or will it come with a nice edge on it? Although, I was thinking of trying to grab the next coticule I see on the BST though...

Back to my point, if you have experience with the edges on the razors that this company sells please share them. Thanks!!
I haven't bought a straight razor for TSS, but the owner, Jared, does all his own honing. He uses coticules to hone all the razors he sells and you will get a razor that's ready to shave, sharp and smooth.
I also bought a Palisander from TSS (actually that particular razor is a TSS exclusive). Came with a great edege as did the Dovo Natural I also purchased there.
You are gonna love the Palisander. The construction is different from most with the rear pin being more like a flush rivet. The shoulderless design is also for me a plus.
Well checking back in here definitely didn't help... it just left me more impatient to get my delivery. I would definitely like to order a coticule from him as well as a few other razors. I'm glad to see other people like and enjoy the same razor I will soon have.
I'm a huge fan of Jarrod. I have spent much time on his site drooling (and buying) many of his coticules. Great guy, great service, lightning fast shipping.

His razors come honed off a coticule.
I'm a huge fan of Jarrod. I have spent much time on his site drooling (and buying) many of his coticules. Great guy, great service, lightning fast shipping.

His razors come honed off a coticule.

Though I have pretty much no idea what I'm looking at, I'm drooling over the Coticules too.
Though I have pretty much no idea what I'm looking at, I'm drooling over the Coticules too.

~~~just buy one, start from there. you'll need a slurry stone too, or buy two coticules and rub both together to make slurry...rubbing two together, so long as they are the same size, takes care of lapping as well

have you done any reading about how to use coticules?...if not, coticule.be is the best

most everything you need to know about coticules here- http://www.coticule.be/CSA.html


Reddick Fla.
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