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Hart Steel 6/8 vs 7/8

Can anyone tell me spine thickness at the spine of the 6/8 vs. 7/8 Hart Steel?

Is the 7/8 wider?

Does anyone know the actual specs?

Who has both to compare?
I have two 6/8 Harts and one 7/8. Both 6/8 razors measured .206 across the spine and the 7/8 measured .250. My 7/8 was part of their holiday release of special editions. The blade is made of Zowada damascus but Tim confirmed that Hart did all the grinding so I imagine it matches the size of their other 7/8 blades. All measurements taken with my dial calipers. Hope this helps! Just curiosity, but what is your interest in the spine thickness?
Thank you for answering the questions. My reason is I owned a Hart Steel 7/8 last year and I remember it being a good bit thicker than the 6/8 I am honing for a member today. This is my first experience with the smaller blade and I was curious if it was thinner or just faulty memory. I have 5.25mm for the 6/8 and my Zowada just for comparison is 6.25mm.Sorry I have slide calipers that do .05mm or 1/128" and i never learned how to break the inches down beyond eyeballing 1/16" or so.:lol:
Thank you! I like the extra heft of the big 7/8, but sometimes I like the little blades better. Just a mood thing for me.
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