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Harry's Shave Stuff


Looks like one of the founders of Warby Parker is starting up a new shaving company.

"There are plenty of things that guys have been doing regularly for as long as we can remember that can still benefit from a procedural and material face lift every once in a while. Mobile calling wasn’t new when the iPhone came out. Keeping time wasn’t new when the wrist watch came out, either. Now, shaving is getting the same sort of kick in the pants with the launch of Harry’s Shaving from one of the Warby Parker co-founders. No more overpriced, over-designed men’s shaving products, just simple, elegant, high-quality products at a price that won’t make you shave your head. Shave cream made of natural ingredients that also moisturize. Razor handles with polymer coated zinc or precision aluminum. German engineered blades. Even the gift sets–which include a handle, three blades and a tube of shave cream–don’t come in at more than $25. Harry’s is cheaper than going to Target, and it’s a better product."

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System Generated
nerver heard of it, never tried it, don't want to.

don't know who Warby Parker is either.

maybe the OP can offer a bit of insight as to the link and what he thinks B&B members will like.... the description is just a copy/paste from the mfg site.
Sorry I'm new and might be breaking some rule but is there a problem with adding links to sites like fast company? It's a mainstream business magazine rather a blog and I have no connection to it - I saw it earlier, came here to ask about the product, searched for an existing thread and thought that it might add something to the discussion and the thinking behind why they have decided to do this.
Sorry I'm new and might be breaking some rule but is there a problem with adding links to sites like fast company? It's a mainstream business magazine rather a blog and I have no connection to it - I saw it earlier, came here to ask about the product, searched for an existing thread and thought that it might add something to the discussion and the thinking behind why they have decided to do this.

I would consider the link to fit under section 6a of the Terms of Usage
We won't post the link here. Thanks for asking.


Wanting for wisdom
Hard sell here maybe. Wait until they come out with a Double Edge,Single edge, or straight razor. But you can wet shave with a multiblade cartridge.

But wait . . . there's more. . . I see shave cream. Come on Bruce . . . aren't you tempted yet?

I find the marketing interesting.

nerver heard of it, never tried it, don't want to.

don't know who Warby Parker is either.

maybe the OP can offer a bit of insight as to the link and what he thinks B&B members will like.... the description is just a copy/paste from the mfg site.


System Generated
Not tempted in the least.

its a product I have never heard of, and a pic and mfg description does nothing for me, sorry,

maybe if the initial post was followed with some personal experience with it, but I didn't see anything to that nature.

and I'm still not even sure where its sold, as the original link has been removed.
Interesting company, read a piece about them in today's WSJ. They did a great job with WP..taking on the monopoly player in the eye wear business, Luxottica, (LensCrafters, etc)..which is the equivalent of Gillette. At WP, they sell fashionable glasses at realistic margins. I guess they will do the same at Harry's with cheap, effective, alternatives to Mach 3, Fusion, etc. I am sure these initial multi blade products will not appeal to many members here, but I could see them adding to their selection in the future.
Purchased cartridge razor and cream. Cream has no intended scent. My first cartridge shave in over a year. The cartridge razor significant drag as pulled across my skin compared to DE. Yielded okay shave. No rash, fairly smooth. This was my first non-double-edge shave in over a year, so I've no way to compare it to other cartridges. I wanted something I could shave with in the shower (no mirror) when I was in a hurry and had to shave.
I'm happy with my purchase, but that's just me.. I'm generally a happy guy :)
I still prefer my Jager DE89, and I use it for most of my shaves.
I would have to go with a fogless shower mirror. They make them with suction cups, or some that have a hanger to go on a hook or over the shower head
I'll fess up, I actually bought this set for my 14 year old son as his first razor and it is pretty nicely done for a cart setup. Yes, it is all marketing, but it is just different enough to make it a little unique and interesting. And for a 14 year old boy, having this set show up in the mail, just for him, well, it made him pretty happy. The presentation is actually pretty good, making it seem more upscale than a clam shell-packed disposable, and has a cool factor as well.

I couldn't bring myself to buy him crap off the rack at Walmart, and he has no inclination to pursue my hobby yet, so really, this was perfect.
I've been using a Harry's razor for about a month and I'm loving it. Nice close shave with no irritation. Buying the Harry's kit is actually what got me to give up that gunk in a can and take up shave soaps. I haven't gotten around to using a traditional blade yet but I'm having a great time using my soaps and badger brush to build the ultimate lather each morning. To be honest I actually use the shave soap to wash my face when I get home from work as well. I think I like mixing up a nice lather to much. I'm currently using Proraso sensitive skin formula and Art of Shaving Sandalwood (yes I found a puck made with tallow) along with my Harry's razor.
Harry's makes a great razor and at half the price of your typical store bought brands I'm hooked. Although by no means traditional buying the Harry's kit did spark my interest in traditional shaving and has led me to using shave soaps.
Prior to discovering traditional shaving, something like Harry's would have definitely been right up my alley. Fortunately for me, I discovered this site and several on-line vendors and I've been cherry ever since. But I can definitely see the appeal of Harry's and at least appreciate an effort to make everyday items nicer.
Harry's is definitely what got me looking at something other then the standard gillette/schick cartridges. It juts seemed...classier. I got a free razor from inviting others when they first started, but I haven't used it since I've gotten my hands on a nice little tech since then :]
Don't mean to resurrect this thread but does anyone know who manufactures the shave cream? I tried it this morning and it doesn't seem to have much of a lather (meaning no shave brush). Just curious if anyone has any ideas who makes it.
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