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Harry Potter books...

So, yeah, I've been reading the Harry Potter books. I'm 26. I'm loving them. I've plowed through the first three and am now on the fourth. I'm a little uncomfortable admitting this. When I went to the bookstore tonight to buy the fourth one, I couldn't find it, so I had to ask one of the customer service people. I couldn't keep a straight face. I burst out laughing as soon as I opened my mouth. Thankfully, she was gentle and laughed with me (I think).

Is anyone else a fan? Please say yes.
Yeah, I love the movies. They're the reason I decided to try the books.

If you are comfortable with yourself, I highly recommend the books. They're very easy to read, but actually well written.
Yeah, I love the movies. They're the reason I decided to try the books.

If you are comfortable with yourself, I highly recommend the books. They're very easy to read, but actually well written.

I hardly care what others think about my choice of literature. However, Fiction is not really my thing. I prefer non fiction.
I would think less of you if you liked Twilight :001_rolle

Harry Potter are good books. I love how they talk about food and candy! I didnt like the last two books so much but you should still read them.

I missed the last movie cos I could not find anyone to go with me. :mad3: I should have just gone by myself.
The sixth movie was good! The one before that, Order of the Phoenix, I believe, was not so good, in my opinion.

Prisoner of Azkaban has been my favorite of the three books I've read. I think it was my favorite of the movies, as well.

The big problem is that I usually read multiple books at once, but since I started reading the Harry Potter books, I've not been able to read anything else!
I did the movies first but have not read a book yet. Now that Im caught up on the movies I don't know if I want to read them.
I started reading the books with number two and stayed current the rest of the way. I really enjoyed them and feel that the movies went waaay off the tracks starting with number three. The books were, for lack of a better word, magical. The movies, not so much.
It's funny, I bought the movies Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets and watched them again after reading the two, respective books and I didn't enjoy the movies nearly as much as I did when I first saw them, prior to reading the books. I still liked them, but movies are rarely ever as good as a good book.
I've noticed that the books just keep getting bigger and bigger! I think the first was a little over 300 pages. Here I am on the fourth and it's over 700!
They are great books - enjoy them.

And if you get a chance, Jim Dale did a fantastic job with the audiobooks as well.
Hey I read Twilight....wait who said that:lol:

I read Twilight too and liked it a lot - and I read it before my wife, so I can't even 'blame' her. :blushing:

I read Harry Potter and enjoyed it. Artemis Fowl is another young adult series I completely enjoy.

I'll read about anything but Harlequin romance novels...
Read the first one after repeated urging and badgering from my mom and sister, read the second through seventh after repeated urging and badgering to get my mom to hurry up and finish it so I could borrow it next. :p

For the most part I prefered the books to the movies, but Robbie Coltrane IS Hagrid.
They are good books! I've read them all and am not ashamed to say they are among the most memorable reads I have had. And I read a lot. (Until I found B&B, that is).

Unfortunately, I did not enjoy the movies nearly as much.
Not a fan myself (of the books or movies) but my wife is a huge fan.
If you liked these books you should read "His Dark Materials" series by Philip Pullman. The first book is "The Golden Compass." Fantastic reads!
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