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Handles for Re-knotting

have three Knots on the way from The Golden Nib.

20mm Finest Badger Fan for this handle. It's Going to be my Travel Brush But I expect it will be used for more than just travel


22mm Super Badger Fan For this one.


Next is the going to be the big Haus a 26mm Finest Silver Tip
into this handle

Here are all three handles for your veiwing enjoyment!
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Here they are straight from The Golden Nib.

Leading off measuring in at 20mm The Golden Nibs Finest Badger Fan for the small wood handle

On deck is the 22mm Super Badger for the EverReady wearing Red and Black

And Warming up is the Rubberset measuring up at 26mm extra hair Finest Badger extra hair.

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Please, could you to put the knots inside the handles, without adhesive of course, in order to see the final result?
Placed not set
I will give details on loft when they are finalized


Left to right
All Epoxied in place and set
26X73mm Set at 63mm loft
20X60mm Set at 45mm loft
22X70mm Set At 55mm loft
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I really like that rubberset - looks great!

Me too guess which one will be first in the rotation tomorrow. That brush came to me as new old stock with a horse hair knot. I wasn't sure about restromodding a NOS brush but hoot there it is!
Looks real good, Steve. On your small travel brush, is the metal on top of the handle a ring or is it a sleeve going down into the handle?

Can you post a close-up looking down into the handle, please?
Looks real good, Steve. On your small travel brush, is the metal on top of the handle a ring or is it a sleeve going down into the handle?

Can you post a close-up looking down into the handle, please?

Yes it is a ringed sleeve that extends into the handle

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How did you get the old knot out without damaging the metal sleeve?

I was careful?

Really I just took a 1/4 inch drill bit and started working from the center of the brush out. Once I got the majority of the bristles out I was able to get the ring loose and off the handle. Be it that it may the ring did crack on me and part of the sleeve got a bit goofed up inside the handle. I just re-glued the ring in first with epoxy. The crack is hardly noticeable.

I found on the other two brushes that using a utlity razor blade to cut the bristles flush with the handle is the way to go. Then chucking up the appropriate size drill bit in a drill press bore the hole to remove the majority of the bristles. Then cleaned the bore up with a Dremel tool. This worked well and is what I should have done with the wood handle.
Anticipating the rendevous with the Rubberset and it's massive Finest Badger Extra Hair 26mm knot. Soap in the rotation for this morning is a glycerin based soap of local manufacture.

I have had issues achieving a good lather with this soap as my Glycerin based technique is not quite the best yet. This brush was awesome in performance. The lather bowl exploded into a rich thick foamy lather that was enough for a four pass!

The brush provided a texture that was exactly what I was looking for. Slightly stiff not to soft giving a nice brisk comfortable scrubbing of the face. You can really put the lather down with this knot!
Tomorrow the EverReady 22mm Super Badger Fan Shape with Bigelow Cream.

Later this week I'll get some photos of the brushes in full Bloom and Lathered up!
Me wants to have a looksie on the brushes:001_tt1:

You know, it might not been a week for you yet, if you're in an extremely strong gravitational field. There, the time goes slower.:tongue_sm
Wow, thats a beautiful resore. I have an 18 Best, 20 best and 20 finest fan shape from TGN as well. Should be here monday. SO EXCITED!!
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