I have been absent from the B and B for sometime due to the study bug that had bitten me. I have held a General class amateur (ham radio) license since 1999 and always wanted to upgrade. But time and many other stupid excuses made their way into my vocabulary. So two weeks ago I decided that i NEEDED to take the Extra class exam get it over with!!
Hence the long nights of electrical theory and principles coupled with copious amounts of tea. My lunch hours have been spent pouring over the 783 question pool as well as any free time I had between work and the typical home life.
I had also been taking practice tests online and via iPod Touch applications with resulting climbs in positive attitude.
Yesterday was the day for the exam and I didn't do as well as i wanted to,missing 2 questions. Drats.
I wanted to ACE this test!!!
So that is it. I have no more tests to take. The top of the ladder has been reached and now I hope to become a VEC examiner myself in the next year or two.
So you other hams out there: Which class level are you, how active on which bands and of course, what gear do you use?
As of now I'm strictly QRP on HF due to apartment living. I use a Yaesu FT-817 with a GR5V Jr strung up around the ceiling of the room attached to an LDG Z-100 antenna tuner. My 5 watts out on HF usually gets me out to the Columbia Basin net on 75mtrs at night with no problem and I have been able to do well when the band is open. I also love VHF/UHF/microwave action with the HT's being Kenwood's delightful F6A,Yaesu's VX3R and the full compliment of Icom's 02AT,03AT,04At and 12AT for 1.2 Ghz. I have a few scanners for the local public service as well. I would have loved to buy a Kenwood TS-2000 for passing the exam but that will have to wait until money becomes available sometime in the next 5 YEARS!!
Thanks for letting me share!!!
Hence the long nights of electrical theory and principles coupled with copious amounts of tea. My lunch hours have been spent pouring over the 783 question pool as well as any free time I had between work and the typical home life.
I had also been taking practice tests online and via iPod Touch applications with resulting climbs in positive attitude.
Yesterday was the day for the exam and I didn't do as well as i wanted to,missing 2 questions. Drats.
I wanted to ACE this test!!!
So that is it. I have no more tests to take. The top of the ladder has been reached and now I hope to become a VEC examiner myself in the next year or two.
So you other hams out there: Which class level are you, how active on which bands and of course, what gear do you use?
As of now I'm strictly QRP on HF due to apartment living. I use a Yaesu FT-817 with a GR5V Jr strung up around the ceiling of the room attached to an LDG Z-100 antenna tuner. My 5 watts out on HF usually gets me out to the Columbia Basin net on 75mtrs at night with no problem and I have been able to do well when the band is open. I also love VHF/UHF/microwave action with the HT's being Kenwood's delightful F6A,Yaesu's VX3R and the full compliment of Icom's 02AT,03AT,04At and 12AT for 1.2 Ghz. I have a few scanners for the local public service as well. I would have loved to buy a Kenwood TS-2000 for passing the exam but that will have to wait until money becomes available sometime in the next 5 YEARS!!
Thanks for letting me share!!!