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Halloween PIF- Skin Moisturizer/After Shave

This PIF is for a container of Paul Mitchell Skin Moisturizer. It contains Tea Tree Oil, and some people use this as an after shave. My former barber gifted me some of this when he retired, and I'll never be able to use all of it.

If interested, please respond to this Thread. Include as part of your reply what after shaves you've used in the past and your opinions of them. I will select the winner at random at 2200 CST on Sunday 11/3/13.
I'm in. Main aftershave I've used is Pinaud Clubman. I love the old time barbershop smell. Reminds me of simpler times.
I'm in. My main aftershave is Vichy Sensi-Baume, which I love. It puts out the fire, moisturizes and doesn't leave my skin greasy.
I'm in. I only use balms currently. One that I really like is Neutrogena post shave balm for sensitive skin. I also have The Body Shop razor relief maca root balm that I like.
I'm in. My favorite ASB is no longer in production...C.O. Bigelow Bay Rum ASB. Very soothing, with a nice bay rum scent. I've looked around for it, and any bottles out there are going for ridiculous amounts of money, so its been strictly Nivea Sensitive Skin for me. Considering trying splashes, after the GRUC ends.
I'm in. Some of the aftershaves I use include Pinaud Clubman, C&E West Indian Lime Aftershave Balm and Razorock Aftershave Wax. The first one I used was the C&E and I bought it thinking that I would enjoy a balm much more than a splash. It has a great scent but I am not sure it does much in the way of skin care. The next one I bought was the Razorock, it is very thick and a little product goes a long way. I really like this product because it is quite soothing and seems to leave my skin quite moisturized. Then I bought Pinaud Clubman and decided that I really like a splash because it gives me a refreshed feeling. Thanks for the PIF!
I'm in. I am always looking to try new things! I currently use Pinaud Vanilla and switch between that and witch hazel. I am looking forward to trying new AS splashes like Captain's Choice!
I am in! Thanks for opportunity!
Before starting with old school shaving, I have used drugstore aftershaves splashes which on winters died my skin so much, that I was left with white crusty layer around mouth cause of drying. Than, one day mother have bought some AVON aftershave balm for father, tried it after splash, and miracle did happen. Now, I use some Serbian aftershave ELIOT, ADIDAS victory league (which I think is really nice, but I am not crazy about scent), followed by AVON Conditioner Aftershave Balm. Samples of Pinaud Clubman and Old Spice should come in morning, can't wait!
I'm in. I really like gillette intense cooling lotion, neutrogema razor defense, nancy boy signature and AOS ocean kelp.
I'm in. I love Mennen Skin Bracer. I have also used some newer Gillette stuff that is alright, but I prefer the Skin Bracer because it is not so fragranced and I can actually splash it on.
I'm in. Only started wet shaving early in September so I'm still sampling and changing after shaves every shave. Favourite so far would probably be Proraso after shave
I'm in. I usually use a gillette cooling aftershave or pinaud clubman. I recently tried proraso (didn't like the scent), and got a bottle of AoS Lemon (which is quite nice.) I also have an armani aftershave, but it's not very soothing. I'd love to try more, as I still haven't found a favorite. :)

I'm in. Using Nivea asb followed by various colognes bought for me for b'days etc. Looking for a nice splash for everyday wear and something special for occasions so reading a lot before I compile a list
I'm in, my current go to aftershave is Barbasol Brisk. Good amount of menthol, dries down nicely and with a touch of powdery scent that is not overbearing. Wife comments on it several times a week, always thinks it is something new.
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