I've used Vitalis for almost 20 years and thought about trying something new
Does the B&B family have any suggestions on a good one to try?
Does the B&B family have any suggestions on a good one to try?
Three established ones come to mind - I've used them all: Vaseline Hair Tonic, Tres Flores Tonic, Jeris Hair Tonic (both with and without oil). All of the preceding have a base as mineral oil except for Jeris Tonic without oil. It sort of depends on the look you're going for. Good luck - lots of tonic wearers out there!I've used Vitalis for almost 20 years and thought about trying something new
Does the B&B family have any suggestions on a good one to try?
Hi, @Mustard Seed, is there any difference in the general purpose of these two Reuzel hair tonics? Which one is to be used after shower, on wet hair, without need of washing it afterwards? Thank you!
I ordered the forementioned Japanese hair tonics ...I would recommend Eau de Portugal from Vines and DR Harris.
I have the following:
Tabac - very potent
Reuzel - on my 3rd bottle
DR Harris Eau de Portugal
Vines Eau de Portugal -I bought 5 litres
T&H Eau de Portugal
Jack Dean/Pashana Eau de Portugal
Rausch Swiss Herbal Hair Tonic is great.
Original Hagners - yet to try
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