Aloha gents,
Ive had my dovo/merkur silvertip brush for 2-3 months now. It's my only brush so its an everyday workhorse. It loses about 2 hairs every shave. Not much but if you take into account that its a pretty regular everyday/every other day thing it has me worried. I've cleaned it with geofatboy's YouTube method twice now and have combed it numerous times to try and get rid of the hairs that weren't connected to the glue and would fall out eventually. I also have stopped soaking the handle and only leave the hair below the knot submerged in water. Ive dialed back the temperature of the water it soaks in to be just warm not hot as i was nervous it was jeopardizing the glue. Also dry it thoroughly by brushing the tips gently on a towel and hanging in a stand after every shave. My question is how/when will I know if this is a problem or if this is just regular new brush shedding? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Ive had my dovo/merkur silvertip brush for 2-3 months now. It's my only brush so its an everyday workhorse. It loses about 2 hairs every shave. Not much but if you take into account that its a pretty regular everyday/every other day thing it has me worried. I've cleaned it with geofatboy's YouTube method twice now and have combed it numerous times to try and get rid of the hairs that weren't connected to the glue and would fall out eventually. I also have stopped soaking the handle and only leave the hair below the knot submerged in water. Ive dialed back the temperature of the water it soaks in to be just warm not hot as i was nervous it was jeopardizing the glue. Also dry it thoroughly by brushing the tips gently on a towel and hanging in a stand after every shave. My question is how/when will I know if this is a problem or if this is just regular new brush shedding? Any help appreciated. Thanks.