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Hair loss ?s

Aloha gents,
Ive had my dovo/merkur silvertip brush for 2-3 months now. It's my only brush so its an everyday workhorse. It loses about 2 hairs every shave. Not much but if you take into account that its a pretty regular everyday/every other day thing it has me worried. I've cleaned it with geofatboy's YouTube method twice now and have combed it numerous times to try and get rid of the hairs that weren't connected to the glue and would fall out eventually. I also have stopped soaking the handle and only leave the hair below the knot submerged in water. Ive dialed back the temperature of the water it soaks in to be just warm not hot as i was nervous it was jeopardizing the glue. Also dry it thoroughly by brushing the tips gently on a towel and hanging in a stand after every shave. My question is how/when will I know if this is a problem or if this is just regular new brush shedding? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Please help or direct me to threads that have been created. I searched and searched hair loss threads but the search function is just too vague to get direct info of what I'm looking into. Thanks for all help.
Hair loss can come from a number of things. You could be mashing the brush into the soap breaking the bristles off. If you're gentle with your brush and it just drops a couple of hairs every shave, you could just have a brush with a defective knot. These sorts of things are hard to diagnose without being able to examine the brush first hand. Try contacting the vendor and see what they say. It is normal for a brush to shed some hairs when it's new. It usually settles down after a while.
Thanks. I feel I am really gentle with the mashing aspect. I have only used soaps twice and everything else cream. Although tonight I used a soap and did find a lot of hairs coming out but I was also kinda looking/creating them to come out. Don't get me wrong, I would NEVER tug them to get hairs out. But I was basically brushing the tips on my hand and it seems to make the loose ones stick up an extra quarter inch. I then know its a loose hair and pull it out. I've inspected the bottoms and don't see anything that would clue me in that it had been glued(no kink or substance left on the end). I've read a thread where it was recommended to "brush the hell out of it with a toothbrush and dish soap to rid of the weak hairs" but I'm kinda afraid to do that on a brush I spent good money on. I have cleaned it that way then conditioned but I wasn't going at it as that quote would suggest.
You may just have a shedder. I'd contact the vendor & manufacturer. All the manufacturers occasionally produce a defective brush. I doubt it is anything you've done or are doing.
K. I think I will just to see what they say. I came across the contact info for "Anne" from merkur so I'm gonna shoot her an email and will update if it goes anywhere.
I emailed "Anne" from merkur and lo' and behold, I got a response. I'm in Hawaii and I'm assuming she's in Germany as it is close to 10pm here when I emailed. I got a response back within 120 seconds saying thanks for the interest and asking for pictures of my brush. I will update with any progress in getting this shedding problem solved.
I emailed "Anne" from merkur and lo' and behold, I got a response. I'm in Hawaii and I'm assuming she's in Germany as it is close to 10pm here when I emailed. I got a response back within 120 seconds saying thanks for the interest and asking for pictures of my brush. I will update with any progress in getting this shedding problem solved.
Wow. I sent in pictures of hairs coming out while face lathering and a picture of about six hairs on the sink after a shave that had either come out or were on my face during the shave. She didn't get back to me for about a week but jut emailed. She said please send my full address so they can send me a replacement brush. Amazing service. Thought I would have to send mine in to them and maybe they would replace the knot AT THE BEST. This is really cool.
That's unusually good warranty service from merkur, they normally blame water for the plating coming off on their razors.
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