Yesterday started out like any other day except that when it ended money was spent and 3 more razors are on their way to me. A Fatboy, a Slim and a sight unseen straight razor from Whipped Dog along with a poor mans strop kit. Now my super speed will have some company.
Haha, it has continued on today I was in the only thrift shop in the area and managed to find a long black handled Gillette adjustable razor for 2 bucks in really good shape. It just needs a bit of work from a toothbrush to clean it up.
i bought a lovely razor today for £1... it is a mint condition gillette slim twist in its original box, apart from a little crack on the plastic handle its pretty much mint
I love it! it's great to see that I'm not the only one obsessed with acquiring razors. at least if you guys are buying them it somehow compensates for the times when my 'collection' is stagnant - vicariously feeding my addiction thanks to my brothers (and sisters) at B&B!