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Gun and knife show

Has anyone found any vintage shave gear at a gun and knife show? I'm thinking that there might be some straight razors here and there. And if there's some straights, there might be some other shave gear.


Mike H

Instagram Famous
Last show I attended, there were two sellers with straight razors. One had junk for $50 a piece, the other had a nice selection, including a 7/8 W&B for $100, but it had a chip in the blade. His prices were not to far out of line. I have never seen DE razors at a gun show.
There are vintage razors for sale at the Santa Ana gun show but prices are 2x what you can get them for on the Bay.
I think the straights at these shows are just sold as curiosities or display pieces. It seems any semi-knowledgable user or collector would not want them, certainly not at the offered prices. I bought a new straight in college just because I thought it was cool. I never intended to shave with it. Good thing I didn't, if I could afford it in college I'm sure it was junk!

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