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Gsg -5?

Just wondering if anyone has or had one of these .22 rifles? If so how does/did it perform? Reading the reviews is kind of a mixed bag.
It's like shooting a staple gun.

If you want the MP-5 experience without the Class III and multi-thousand price, this is for you.

It's not the same, but it's still fun. I've shot 3 GSG's, around 500 rounds, and had a ball.

I've also shot the MP5SD-3, MP5A3, MP5A5, and MP5A2 as well as a .40 variant and the MP5K PDW, so I have a standard of comparison....

Personally I'd get an M&P15/22, or the new StG-44/22 if I was in the market for a fun 'tactical' .22, but if you got a thing for the German Sewing Machine, go for it.
My friend has one, and it works really well. We only used high velocity ammo in it. Not sure how it would cycle with subsonic. Very fun rifle. That StG-44/22 looks really cool!

Thanks for the replies guys. I didn't end up getting it though, I'm going to look to a CZ .22 rifle if I can find one.
The CZ's are excellent. For the money, you will rarely find a better quality "nice" .22 rifle. I usually shoot Marlins, but a Marlin to a CZ is like a Chevy Impala to a Jaguar.
I own several CZ 452 .22 rifles with open sight, ghost ring, and BRNO apertures....Theses are the definition of Bang for the Buck...There are finer rimfire rifles available, but not at this price...heck, not even at twice the price.
Best bet is to use FFl in your area and order via the web...Whittakers in Kentucky and Damascus Gun Shop in Virginia have been my go to....But, with this recent frenzy they are hard to come by..
The BRNO sights I use are supplied to the US by a gentleman known as Denny...he is well known on the Rimfire Central site...you can go there and search to get his email address..he is a great guy...Once you get into these sights it is sort of like wet shaving; i.e. the possibilities are endless. The accuracy one can obtain with these aperture sights are pretty surprising...especially for me as my eyes are getting less acute with age. Here we go..this is Denny in Arizona that sells these sights :[email protected]
Thanks for the info parsifal54. I haven't been to Rimfire Central in some time. I think it's one of the best forums on the internet. It's to rimfires what B&B is to wet shaving. I've always wanted a rimfire set up with front and rear apertures. I'm good with regular irons, and have shot apertures before, and like them quite a bit.

Damascus Gun Shop has the CZ 452 Military Trainer in stock at a good of a price as you will find new. They are also very nice people; check their website
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