Hey guys,
I'm getting married in April, and I'm looking to do a shaving-themed groomsmen gift. As part of the gift, I've decided to include a low-price synthetic or boar brush. None of the guys are into wet shaving (yet *diabolical laugh*), but I'm planning on making them a pre-shave oil (2 parts olive oil, 1 part castor oil, a few drops of lavender and/or lemon essential oil), splitting a TOBS shaving cream into a few sample-sized plastic jars I'm picking up at specialty bottle (I'm thinking either lavender, avocado or Mr. Taylors) and now adding a brush. I'm looking to stay in the $15-20 range for budgetary reasons. Frankly, $20 is pushing it, so I won't be going over that.
Based on some preliminary research, I'm looking at Semogue synthetics, but I'm open to ideas. Any thoughts? I'm also open to advice regarding shaving cream scent/other items I could add.
Thanks for the help!
I'm getting married in April, and I'm looking to do a shaving-themed groomsmen gift. As part of the gift, I've decided to include a low-price synthetic or boar brush. None of the guys are into wet shaving (yet *diabolical laugh*), but I'm planning on making them a pre-shave oil (2 parts olive oil, 1 part castor oil, a few drops of lavender and/or lemon essential oil), splitting a TOBS shaving cream into a few sample-sized plastic jars I'm picking up at specialty bottle (I'm thinking either lavender, avocado or Mr. Taylors) and now adding a brush. I'm looking to stay in the $15-20 range for budgetary reasons. Frankly, $20 is pushing it, so I won't be going over that.
Based on some preliminary research, I'm looking at Semogue synthetics, but I'm open to ideas. Any thoughts? I'm also open to advice regarding shaving cream scent/other items I could add.
Thanks for the help!
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