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Groomsmen Gifts

Hey guys,

I'm getting married in April, and I'm looking to do a shaving-themed groomsmen gift. As part of the gift, I've decided to include a low-price synthetic or boar brush. None of the guys are into wet shaving (yet *diabolical laugh*), but I'm planning on making them a pre-shave oil (2 parts olive oil, 1 part castor oil, a few drops of lavender and/or lemon essential oil), splitting a TOBS shaving cream into a few sample-sized plastic jars I'm picking up at specialty bottle (I'm thinking either lavender, avocado or Mr. Taylors) and now adding a brush. I'm looking to stay in the $15-20 range for budgetary reasons. Frankly, $20 is pushing it, so I won't be going over that.

Based on some preliminary research, I'm looking at Semogue synthetics, but I'm open to ideas. Any thoughts? I'm also open to advice regarding shaving cream scent/other items I could add.

Thanks for the help!
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Definitely for that money, I'd go with Semogue 1305 all the way! IB lists them around 19$! If you could pony up a few more bucks, you could go with either 610 or 620 from Semogue also. Lots of praise for all of these brushes around these parts. I personally own a IB 1305 LE and love it! It was part of very generous PIF from velocityboy, and it's fantastic!
I love my Omega 10066. Its a boar brush that set me back $13.99 in Canada. Its really broken in nicely.

I have heard a lot of love for Semogue brushes (though i don't have one....yet). So I don't think you could go wrong there either.
Congratulations! Best of luck to you and your fiancé!

How many groomsmen? I just PM'd you some Semogue deals. If you're looking to buy from someone on B&B I can recommend Techichi- great products, prices, and especially service- He's a real pleasure to deal with (like most members here). Anyway, I picked up some Semogue 1520 as Christmas gifts, and I can vouch for, at least, the 1520.

I found that it was a nice touch to break the brushes in so that they would be ready to perform right away for your groomsmen. Just pick up some inexpensive shaving soap, and set yourself a schedule to do the lather and dry. I did mine on a 36 hour cycle because apparently letting the brush thoroughly dry is very important with boar brushes.

Helpful info on breaking-in a boar brush:
Removing the new boar funk
Great general info, including how to break-in (from shavemyface.com- hope this isn't frowned upon. It's a really great guide)
Congratulations and good luck!

If you are looking for an aftershave to split up between them in sample vials, I don't think you could do better than Captain's Choice Bay Rum. It is around $17.50 per 4 oz. bottle, but a little goes a long way. And, if there is any left over after you make the samples, you will be forced to use it. It is truly an excellent product, one of the hhighlights of my daily shave.
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