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Grilled Dessert

A few weeks back, we threw a BBQ. SWMBO didn't want to do half the cooking inside and half outside, so she told me I had to come up with a dessert to do on the grill. Sure we could do S'mores, but....it's been done. So I dug down deep and came up with a little twist on an old favorite that was more of a hit than the burgers (and they were some good burgers!)

Get some ripe or slightly brown bananas and slice them from the stem to the bottom, but don't cut through the peel in the back:


Time to use that dying fire! I don't recommend putting these on a fresh fire, they heat up too fast with all the sugars involved. It's a good use of an evening of burgers or steaks on the grill and the leftover heat that would normally just die out.


Let the bananas sit until the peel starts to get black. Usually takes 5-10 minutes for me.


SWMBO's favorite part. Add about 4 Hershey's squares into the middle. Somehow, hers mysteriously had 5 squares when we were done this evening....


After a few minutes, it's all a melty, wonderful mess. (Sorry for the picture, it won't behave :blink: )


Let the molten chocolate solidify for about 2 minutes, then peel/spoon the bananas and chocolate into a bowl.


Top with vanilla ice cream, and you have what we've dubbed the "Inside-Out Banana Split."


Made about 18 of these at the BBQ, and we only stopped because we ran out of bananas. Everyone wanted more, especially the two pregnant ladies!

Does anyone else have a grilled dessert concoction of their own?
I grilled Twinkies once on a whim. It came out better than expected. The sticky/glazey stuff on the outside caramelized into a sort of crispy brulee, while the unknown "cream" filling got all hot and gooey. They were remarkably tasty.

I also deep fried a whole tomato once. It was like a vegetable depth charge. (Or fruit)
It's a great mix of textures/temperatures. The solidified chocolate vs the mushy bananas, and the cold ice cream vs the bananas, which retain the heat surprisingly well when sitting in ice cream. It has a very slight liquor scent to it. I read that banana peels contain alcohol, so maybe that's to blame?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I would show that to my daughter, but she would probably faint.

Take fresh sliced pineapple (it should be available in the ready prepped fruit and veg section) and grill brushing with a mixture of brown sugar and just enough rum to thin the sugar to a medium thick syrup. Brush with the syrup right at the end so It doesn't burn. Top with a good vanilla ice cream, or a sorbet such as coconut, mango, or green tea with ginger. All work well. Sprinkle with a mixture of toasted coconut and chili flakes.
A few weeks back, we threw a BBQ. SWMBO didn't want to do half the cooking inside and half outside, so she told me I had to come up with a dessert to do on the grill. Sure we could do S'mores, but....it's been done. So I dug down deep and came up with a little twist on an old favorite that was more of a hit than the burgers (and they were some good burgers!)

Get some ripe or slightly brown bananas and slice them from the stem to the bottom, but don't cut through the peel in the back:


Time to use that dying fire! I don't recommend putting these on a fresh fire, they heat up too fast with all the sugars involved. It's a good use of an evening of burgers or steaks on the grill and the leftover heat that would normally just die out.


Let the bananas sit until the peel starts to get black. Usually takes 5-10 minutes for me.


SWMBO's favorite part. Add about 4 Hershey's squares into the middle. Somehow, hers mysteriously had 5 squares when we were done this evening....


After a few minutes, it's all a melty, wonderful mess. (Sorry for the picture, it won't behave :blink: )


Let the molten chocolate solidify for about 2 minutes, then peel/spoon the bananas and chocolate into a bowl.


Top with vanilla ice cream, and you have what we've dubbed the "Inside-Out Banana Split."


Made about 18 of these at the BBQ, and we only stopped because we ran out of bananas. Everyone wanted more, especially the two pregnant ladies!

Does anyone else have a grilled dessert concoction of their own?

This is great. Add some liquor or cognac and a lit match and you have yourself a banana flambe :001_smile
This is awesome! We've got a family barbeque coming up this Sunday, and I'm going to pick up enough bananas and chocolate to do this. It should go over very well - thanks!
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and Marshmallow grilled sandwich with powdered sugar:

Man that looks/sounds wonderful. Can I assume you do this in a pan, a la grilled cheese?

Take fresh sliced pineapple (it should be available in the ready prepped fruit and veg section) and grill brushing with a mixture of brown sugar and just enough rum to thin the sugar to a medium thick syrup. Brush with the syrup right at the end so It doesn't burn. Top with a good vanilla ice cream, or a sorbet such as coconut, mango, or green tea with ginger. All work well. Sprinkle with a mixture of toasted coconut and chili flakes.

We did this a few weeks ago, only I let the pineapple marinade in some pineapple juice and coconut rum, then brushed with brown sugar and cinnamon before grilling. The compote is absolutely ridiculous on vanilla ice cream.
I grilled Twinkies once on a whim. It came out better than expected. The sticky/glazey stuff on the outside caramelized into a sort of crispy brulee, while the unknown "cream" filling got all hot and gooey. They were remarkably tasty.

I also deep fried a whole tomato once. It was like a vegetable depth charge. (Or fruit)

That sounds pretty dangerous. Kind of like throwing ice into the deep fryer.

Take fresh sliced pineapple (it should be available in the ready prepped fruit and veg section) and grill brushing with a mixture of brown sugar and just enough rum to thin the sugar to a medium thick syrup. Brush with the syrup right at the end so It doesn't burn. Top with a good vanilla ice cream, or a sorbet such as coconut, mango, or green tea with ginger. All work well. Sprinkle with a mixture of toasted coconut and chili flakes.

I have done this too. Its great. I grill it just enough to get grill marks and then take it off the grill. Grilled peaches are pretty nice too.

Grill slices of pound cake just enough to mark them. Disclaimer, your grill needs to be really clean. Add grilled fruit and ice cream. :tongue_sm
Dang! Those nana's look tasty! (SWMBO has me on a diet :angry: . . but at least it means she cares :bored:)

I've grilled peaches before; they're incredibly easy and tasty. While I've never MADE them, a friend adapted my recipe and made pears following the same premise.)

1. Get some aluminum foil and make a bowl.

2. Add your peaches, which have previously been cut in half.

3. Add a small amount of honey, to taste.

4. Grill until desired firmness (I prefer mine relatively soft yet with some 'flame kissed' dark spots to them.

5. Remove from grill.

6. Dollop on marscapone cheese, to taste.

7. Add honey, to taste.

8. Eat.

9. Enjoy.
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