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"Green" shaving brush

I like the look of the green handled brushes, especially marbleized. I already have a marbleized butterscotch and see that they seem to have a higher value than most. Does the same hold true for green?

The reason I ask is a have a minty unused Ever Ready 100 that I'd like to trade for a green handled brush. Just trying to get an idea if they are in the same "league" as far as cost/value... I wouldn't want to post something out of line in the BST forum. :001_smile


Well I got my answer on eBay! I saw 2 minty brushes and bid on them. I bowed out once they were over $50. I guess they are even more desirable than butterscotch! I'll have to keep an eye out at the local antique shops as I might find a better deal there.
don't know if he would be interested in a trade, or if this is even what you are looking for.... but I was having a conversation with a user about painting brushes. His is 1/2 green. Here's the thread:

I actually already have a couple that are green like that. However I do like that brush as it has part of my last name in it :001_smile

Or do you mean something like this with the "swirled" bakelite ??


OHHHHH..... YEAHHHH. :thumbup: Actually that is like the Ever Ready I was bidding on. The other was a Drake that was even better looking!
OHHHHH..... YEAHHHH. :thumbup: Actually that is like the Ever Ready I was bidding on. The other was a Drake that was even better looking!

I'd offer a trade as this one doesn't see much action ( mainly because the TGN Silvertip knot in it is too scritchy for me YMMV ) but I'm guessing the tyranny of distance probably wouldn't make it that economical ! :001_smile
I actually already have a couple that are green like that. However I do like that brush as it has part of my last name in it :001_smile

OHHHHH..... YEAHHHH. :thumbup: Actually that is like the Ever Ready I was bidding on. The other was a Drake that was even better looking!

That Drake Was Freakin' Sweet!!! :thumbup1:
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