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Great shave today

I keep telling myself to go into the newb forum and post an update on my shaving experiences...been since before my initial "hello I can't wait for my supplies to get here" post about two months ago. One of these days I'll take the time to do it, anyway,

Today I had the best shave of my life and feel great about it. BBS without even a hint of redness, and the whole shave felt effortless. In over 15 years of shaving I have never, ever, had a shave not turn my cheeks and neck bright red. Most of the time I'm just happy not to create bumps on the base of my neck, not having redness is insanely unexpected.

The hardware:

Merkur HD w/ yellow pack russian Gillette
Proraso (bigelow)
C&E Sandalwood ASB

Besides going back to my fav blade from a breif experiement with iridium supers, what I think made today special was using some Musgo Lime soap before lathering for the last pass. I've used it as a pre-shave several times, and it helps noticeably, but after today I think I'll switch to using it before the last pass only to make sure those oils are nice and fresh before the ATG pass. I've never had ATG work so well; it's difficult to keep from faceturbating while sitting in my office today ;-)

So just want to say THANKS! to everyone, I don't think I would have reached this point without all the wonderfull support and help of everyone here!

Congratulations! I just started using the Musgo lime soap as my face wash in the shower...maybe I'll follow your tip tonight see how it works.

So before the final pass, you just wipe the bar over your face and neck, rinse with warm water and then re-lather?
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