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Great shave, different technique

Yesterday, I was in the bathroom getting ready to shave and had face lathered really well, when my youngest daughter and her friends needed to use the restroom. Oh the joys of a single bathroom. Anyway, I came out with lather on my face and let them go, All 6 of them. The lather had dried on my face and I could feel it tightening on my face by the time I resumed my shave. I wet my face again, recharged my brush, and lathered once again. After I was finished, I could not believe the shave. I had my wife feel it and all she said was wow and continued to feel it throughout the course of the evening.

I do not know what this extra time the lather was on my face did but it was really a great shave.

Has anyone else tried this?

It has made me wonder and I believe I will try it again.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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The lather soften the whiskers more than usual. Using Kyle's prep is doing the same thing but quicker!
I've never done it, but I can certainly imagine how keeping the lather on would infuse the whiskers with a blast of moist, conditioning goodness; thus preparing the hairs for a superior shave. Maybe I'll give that a try tomorrow.
The lather had dried on my face and I could feel it tightening on my face by the time I resumed my shave.

This might actually be the key, not the whisker softening (although that wouldn't hurt). Kind of a chemical skin stretching. I find Proraso Pre/Post does the same thing for me. Did it feel any different as the razor was going across your face?
This might actually be the key, not the whisker softening (although that wouldn't hurt). Kind of a chemical skin stretching. I find Proraso Pre/Post does the same thing for me. Did it feel any different as the razor was going across your face?

I wet my face and re-lathered and it was quite slick but I can't say I noticed a big difference. The big difference was the feel after the shave and hours later.
There was an article posted from a 1950's Science and Mechanics magazine on the science of shaving.

The routine they espoused way back then consisted of:

  • Washing face with soap and water
  • Optional step of washing again and leaving face soapy
  • Lathering up
  • Leaving the lather in place for at least two minutes

They suggested you use the two minutes to brush your teeth or shine your shoes.

This routine has worked perfectly for me. I'm enough of a shaving soap purist that I leave out the optional second wash and leaving the (shudder!) regular soap on my face, although I really should try it.

Here is the article. It's a good read.
So basically it comes down to prep. The longer you prep your face and beard the better your shave.
Letting your lather sit on your face for 3 or 4 minutes is pretty standard advise given to all newbies, it lets the lather soak in and soften the hairs.
Very interesing. I've got a three-day growth going (thanks to being stuck in the office) and I'm planning a thorough shave tonight.

I am going to try this. I'll lather up and let it dry on my face and then do what you did. I'd love to get the same results!
Yesterday, I was in the bathroom getting ready to shave and had face lathered really well, when my youngest daughter and her friends needed to use the restroom. Oh the joys of a single bathroom. Anyway, I came out with lather on my face and let them go, All 6 of them. The lather had dried on my face and I could feel it tightening on my face by the time I resumed my shave. I wet my face again, recharged my brush, and lathered once again. After I was finished, I could not believe the shave. I had my wife feel it and all she said was wow and continued to feel it throughout the course of the evening.

I do not know what this extra time the lather was on my face did but it was really a great shave.

Has anyone else tried this?

It has made me wonder and I believe I will try it again.

I'd like to try that, myself. But, first I would have to round up six kids.
I wash my face thoroughly, before shaving, with Wrights coal tar soap. In nicely hot water and lather my face for a least a couple of minutes. Having warm lather on your face for a little while before shaving works wonders.
I'll have to try this. The leaving the lather on part not the six kids. I like kids just fine but not enough to let six of them into my house and bathroom.


Wanting for wisdom
Two minutes passes quickly . . . my note in red below.

There was an article posted from a 1950's Science and Mechanics magazine on the science of shaving.

The routine they espoused way back then consisted of:

  • Washing face with soap and water
  • Optional step of washing again and leaving face soapy
  • Lathering up
  • Leaving the lather in place for at least two minutes

They suggested you use the two minutes to brush your teeth or shine your shoes. Or Strop your razor

This routine has worked perfectly for me. I'm enough of a shaving soap purist that I leave out the optional second wash and leaving the (shudder!) regular soap on my face, although I really should try it.

Here is the article. It's a good read.
There was an article posted from a 1950's Science and Mechanics magazine on the science of shaving.

The routine they espoused way back then consisted of:

  • Washing face with soap and water
  • Optional step of washing again and leaving face soapy
  • Lathering up
  • Leaving the lather in place for at least two minutes

They suggested you use the two minutes to brush your teeth or shine your shoes.

This routine has worked perfectly for me. I'm enough of a shaving soap purist that I leave out the optional second wash and leaving the (shudder!) regular soap on my face, although I really should try it.

Here is the article. It's a good read.
Thanks for the article link. This was good information.

Be careful if you say the word pogonotomy (the science of shaving) too loud or often or misinformed people will get the wrong ideas!
Before reading that article I was doing a version of Kyle's prep, where I would wash up, lather up and put a hot towel over my face. While the results were fine, I didn't like the bother or just marking time while I stood there, head back, face toweled and feeling a little daft.

YMMV, but I found I got 90% or more of the results of the hot towel prep with just letting the lather sit while I brush my fangs, with about 10% of the trouble and effort.

My dentist heartily endorses this routine... :lol:
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