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Grapeseed Oil as a preshave?

I have read in several threads that grapeseed oil can be used as a preshave. However, I am having trouble finding any threads discussing this in particular. Does anyone have an opinion on the efficacy or benefits of grapeseed oil as a preshave?
I've heard of using olive oil, but not grape seed oil... Then again I'm fairly new here myself. If you have some on hand, it might be worth a shot. You'll have to let us know how it works out. Good luck and happy shaving!
I've read somewhere on here that grapeseed is thinner than olive oil and makes an excellent preshave oil...or at least an excellent component of a pre shave oil.
I use grape seed oil every morning... its amazing! If you buy one make sure you get food quality grade. Musgo is mostly grapeseed oil if you use that. My face feels amazing too when I use it.
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I didn't have any grapeseed oil, but we did have some coconut oil...it worked great! I wished I'd known about this years ago! Thanks for the tip
I use grape seed oil every morning... its amazing! If you buy one make sure you get food quality grade. Musgo is mostly grapeseed oil if you use that. My face feels amazing too when I use it.

how is grapeseed oil for sensitive skin? Does it clog pores at all?
Never had any trouble with my mix of 1/2 oz grapeseed and 1/2 oz olive with some EO for scent, but I have dropped preshave oil for Glyce Lyme soap.
I read both grapeseed and jojoba are both noncomedogenic. The benefits of both appear to be awesome. A mix of the two may be good
So just on a whim I bought a bottle of "expeller-pressed" grapeseed oil (17oz for $8.00). I'll give it a try tomorrow and over the next few weeks I'll see if there is any kind of added benefit.

Check out this informative Livestrong link for the benefits of grapeseed oil for the skin. It actually helps restore collagen in the skin on a cellular level as well as cleaning the skin, preventing breakouts.
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I've used coconut oil as a preshave, I did find that it worked well, but it seemed to be very water repellent and left the brush quite 'oily'. It seemed to wash out ok with warm water and I use left over lather to clean the brush. But I did wonder what long term effect oils have on a brush, considering the primary benefit of badger hair is it's ability to hold a good amount of water. I don't seem to have the same problem with proraso preshave creams.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this when using oils?
you know, I was thinking the same thing about the oils and the brush, but I literally have been doing it for a while now and have not had any real issues that I can noticed. and I use arko which is water hungry.
you can get a big bottle 100% pure grapeseed oil from Trader Joe's for under $4.

I want to try a grapeseed and jojoba mixture but my Trade Joe's did not have the jojoba
you know, I was thinking the same thing about the oils and the brush, but I literally have been doing it for a while now and have not had any real issues that I can noticed. and I use arko which is water hungry.

My guess is that the oil will have no impact on the brush (especially a very lightweight oil like grapeseed) because all the soaps we use and preshave oils and moisturizers are all oil based or oil derivative. I'd assume if you used a heavyweight oil like coconut oil or.. butter, you might have an issue.

bemiller what link did you buy it from? Is it the same as the amazon link I bought or is it different and how?

I just bought mine from a local food mart (Fresh Market). I'd imagine you can buy it from any supermarket and especially from a market that has an emphasis on "gourmet" products. It's just a cooking product so it is in the same aisle as olive oil, almond oil, truffle oil, etc.
I make a 1/2 grapeseed oil and half safflower oil preshave mixture. Read somewhere that is one of the combos that is nice but can imagine grapeseed oil by itself to do the same. Love this preshave oil I use. Great for my sensitive neck.
+1 on grapeseed oil, which is used as a massage oil because of its skin-care qualities and non-greasiness. As WindyShaver says, safflower oil--sunflower oil is pretty much the same in characteristics--is also excellent, as, among others, is sweet almond oil. None of these oils will clog your pores. My aftershave is a mix of such oils, together with a little castor oil, lanolin, glycerin, and essential oils. There are lots of excellent recipes if you google skincare on the web. I purchased the lanolin on amazon.com, the other items at the supermarket or pharmacy of GNC.
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