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Grant's Golden Pomade?

Is there anyone using this pomade? I see reference to it at times but not a lot. I know it is water based but not much else. For any of you who have used the Cool Grease pomades canyou compare them? The CG red, and particulary the blue work well for me but they are about nonexistent in the States anymore. And are much more expensive when they can be found. Well over $35. Thank you.

Cheers, Todd
I have the LE putty as well as the regular and as far as pomades go, it works and smells like almonds. I use Clubman gel now though


B&B Tease-in-Residence
ive used and ahve them. I like them for what they are, a water based pomade. The smell is great, as it is a sweet almond smell. I find it better than something like layrite, in that you can comb and not have it flake out.
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