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Grandfather’s Razor!

Gillette TTO Adjustable Fat Boy 1958 D4 belonged to my grandfather. My mom will be sending it to me. Will be going out for a clean/tune/replate.


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That's awesome.

Being it was your grandfather's, I'd leave it exactly as is. I'm guessing it works fine and won't have mechanical issues.

Give it a cleaning with soap, water and a toothbrush.

It would be a shame to cover up all that history. Replate a different one that doesn't have sentimental ties.
That's really nice. I'd love if I had my grandfather's razors. He used old Ever-Ready single edge razors.

I know not everyone is keen on replating old razors but personally, if you do still think it's too far gone after you clean it up, I think a replate would be lovely also. It'll still be your grandfather's razor.. just tuned up to be the best it can be with a fresh new coat of nickel.

Just on that point, personally I'd stick with the "historically correct" nickel replate option though. I'm not one for replating a razor in something different to what it came in originally. Yet some people like that that.. you even see two tone replates. Not for me, but then again we're all different.

Have you anyone in mind for a replate so far? In a situation like this where you have a razor that means a lot to you.. sentimental value with family history etc, it is irreplaceable so you want to make sure you send it to someone you can trust.

I'll just add as far as replaters go, I can't recommend Back Roads Gold highly enough. With an heirloom razor like this you want to send it to the best and make sure it will be restored and cared for properly. Just my two cents but the only replating service I would send an heirloom razor like this to is Chris at Back Roads Gold.

Best of luck with whatever you do. If you do get it refurbished be sure to show the finished article!


I smell like a Christmas pudding
Very nice! I would give it a gentle clean then leave it just as it is. Any wear on the razor was caused by the hands of your grandfather, and that is precisely what makes it a real treasure. After a replate all that history will be gone, and what will remain will be just another shiny razor, shiny but dull. I would trade my entire shaving inventory, and a lot more, for a $5 Tech that was used by my Father; I would use it and add my wear and history to his. You are fortunate indeed - congratulations 👍
Very nice !! I have a few razors that belonged to my Godfather and his father , one is my dail driver , the other is a travel razor and one I have not used yet , I agree with the others on here , don’t replate it , leave it as is , use it and enjoy it , it’s in fine shape.
Gillette TTO Adjustable Fat Boy 1958 D4 belonged to my grandfather. My mom will be sending it to me. Will be going out for a clean/tune/replate.

Grats and +1 to everyone’s recommendation to clean it instead of re-plate.

Just imagine its like your shaving along with your grandfather every time you use this. Ask your mom if there are any vintage blade as well that would be awesome.

Can’t wait to see after you clean it.


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Thanks for all the advice guys! I will do a light soak/soap clean first and post some before/after pics.
I use a little Maas and a Q-Tip to bring back the shine on vintage razors. It preserves the original finish, dings, dents and brushes from use but takes away any dull spots, water marks etc.

Here is my Grandpa's razor that my Dad gave to me when I started wet shaving. Who knew the old guy who wore clashing plaid tops and bottoms and worked on the rail road, had such impeccable taste.

Gillette Flare Tip Rocket Rhodium Gillette Flare Tip Rocket Rhodium - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/media/gillette-flare-tip-rocket-rhodium.37528/
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