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Gotta 120 Reborn

Here's my latest restore project, I'm pretty happy with this one. The razor was pretty trashed, blade had some decent rust on it and the scales were cracked and a little warped.
Got a little creative with this one, scales are gloss black acrylic but taken back to a matt finish, translcent red acrylic wedge and NiAg pins.
Its been honed since I took the pics and gave a sweet shave too...
It really is so unfair how talented people are on this board. Makes me so jealous. I hope when I do my restores they turn out half as good as this. Just an awesome razor man.
Wow, talk about a make-over:w00t:

I have the same razor and it is a sweet shaver but I never figured it could look so sleek.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
+1 nice work on the spine!

I can't even say it's the same blade!

Which tools did you use to work on the spine and how did you make it so symmetrical?
Thanks mate, I used a 5 inch bench grinder for the 2 large scollops and one of those small grinding wheels in the dremmel for the middle one, followed by lots of hand sanding.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
That is sensational. Do you do commissions? You've got some serious talent to do a restore / upgrade like that.


Also, do you hone razors? If not, I'm sure you would have clients for restorations!
That is sensational. Do you do commissions? You've got some serious talent to do a restore / upgrade like that.

Thanks guys, I'm not really doing any commission work at the moment, I have sold a few restorations but I mostly just do it for my personal collection. Its really a matter of finding the time, which is not easy with 4 kids. I would also like to become better at honing before I start selling "shave ready" razors


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Thanks guys, I'm not really doing any commission work at the moment, I have sold a few restorations but I mostly just do it for my personal collection. Its really a matter of finding the time, which is not easy with 4 kids. I would also like to become better at honing before I start selling "shave ready" razors

Cool! If you ever decide to do this here and there (I think even 1 razor a month), I'm sure you would get a waiting list!

You know, you can remove the old inlay from the old scales using acetone (nail polish remover), and then use superglue to put it on the new scales. Then you can sand it all back to matte finish.

Very nice, subdued spine work!:thumbup1:
Fantastic work! What did you use to reshape the point and put in the thumb-swoop?

I have a dremel that I've been playing with for making thumb notches, but never had good results doing point-reshaping?
An interesting likeable design for the scale profile. It may not be too much of a problem making the wedge parallel in a set of plastic scales with a thinner style blade like that, but you will be miles ahead if you taper the wedge a bit when you do wood scales.

Overall, very nice! :thumbup1:
Thank you Sir. But just to clarify, this definately is a tapered wedge, a subtle one though, like you said these Gottas have a pretty slim tang.
This is a view of the underside.
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Thank you Sir. But just to clarify, this definately is a tapered wedge, a subtle one though, like you said these Gottas have a pretty slim tang.
This is a view of the underside.
That looks perfect. The original pic must have been an eliptical conclusion for me... :blush:
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