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Got my red Revisor 5/8 today

I just received my Red flashy Revisor from Germany today.

This was the cheapest one at less than 90$ shipped to Canada.

I wanted to try this brand as i have seen some nice reviews on them.

I am looking at the 7/8 they have and are gorgeous,just a little pricy for me now.

I just took it out and did nothing to it,no stroppin just a light clean and it shaved amazing.

I had seen a post that said that they are also honed amazing so one of my reasons of this purchase was to see how it compares to my honing since i have learned only from you guys and a lot of youtube videos.

And i have to say that my arsenal of about 17 shave ready and honed by me are just as good.

I even have a couple that shave me even better.

So i am really pleased that from following your advice a can hone pretty good.

My honing till now is : Chosera 1000,Naniwa 5000,Norton 8000 and end with Naniwa 12000.

I have tried crox but it does not work for me at this point.

Just want to say thanks again for all the help.

This Revisor has plastic red scales with a neat gold logo and gold trim on the spine.

Now i see that they are pretty nice so time to save up a little cash for a bigger one.

Very nice!! I almost pulled the trigger on a Revisor a little while ago, but never ended up doing it. Looking at yours makes me want one!!
Thank you for the nice comments.

This is not a high end razor but very good for the price.

10 euros to ship to Canada is great so when i can find a good deal with low shipping cost i think about it good.

Here in Canada we are used to 25 to 35 dollars for shipping.

The price was fair and i had no Red straights in my rotation.

I would purchase this again so it is nice.

I still have to get my hands on a TI as i don't have one yet.

Any suggestions on a good lower end one?
Great 'beginner' razor!
Mine (finally) arrived this afternoon and delivered a great test shave, with only a brief stropping.
Really sharp, smooth, and with the light weight, handles nicely.
'Mein hut' is off to Günter and his team!

$revisor yeti shore leave feb 24 2014-1875s.jpg
Did you finally get your TI?

I never got the TI as in the last couple of years i really got in to cleaning up old blades and fixing my own scales for them.

I realized that bringing back to life old blades and honing them up was much more enjoyable to me instead of buying ready ones,.

Making my own designs for scales is also so much fun.

Don't get me wrong i still like to have nice ready ones also and next purchase will still be a TI.
Very nice!

I have a thing for red scales, I have 3 razors with red scales: a Dovo Bismarck, a Red Imp and a no name Solingen.
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