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Got my Nortons in

I got a set of Nortons in yesterday, 220/1000/4000/8000 with the flattening stone. I also have the C12K for a finisher, now I need to find a razor to practice on. I'm not sure I like the finish the flattening stone left on the 8000 grit so I'll hit that again with 600 grit sand paper on a plate of glass.

Anyone with any tips ? I have read about all I can find about honing. Now it's time to learn.
You can easily overhone on Nortons, make sure to check the edge every ten passes or so. Make sure to round all the hard edges of the stone. When you first lap nortons use the pencil grid and lap about three times so you remove the harsh surface the nortons have.

Good luck! You'll make a lot of mistakes, so I don'tsuggest using your best razor first. It's a fun ride, though!

+1 on Disburden about "breaking in" the stones and rounding over the edges of the stones.
Have fun and take it slow to start. Building good technique is important.

When I sit at the table to hone I put a plastic kitchen garbage bag on the table, so any mess is confined to on top of the bag. Just a thought for you. :001_smile
Also work at "eye level".... it seem's to help me keep my angles correct.
I also try to have a surface that allows my hands/wrists to move smoothly with my passes...(garbage bag is not a bad idea) I hone on a granite counter versus wood..ect...that would provide resistance.
As stated...Norton's are rough when you get them...lap and round em...find a good beater blade...and be patient...it takes time for sure.
Good Luck
I tried my hand at touching up a razor. I used the 4k, 8k and 12k stones. Can't say it was my best shave, the razor will have to revisit at least the 8k and 12k one more time.

Thanks for the encouragement and ideas.
If you are not used to honing it's hard to say what stones you need to go back to, you may think you need to go back to the 8k but in reality you need to go to a 1K because the bevel is a little off, etc.

You should be able to shave arm hair easily off the 4k side without overhoning the razor, if not you need to set the bevel on something faster.
Once you cut arm hair on the 4k (easily, 1 K should shave arm hair too) you move to the 8k and do about 20 laps, that's it, the 8k overhones extremely quick. the 12 k should only need ten laps to polish and that's it.

I hope that helps.
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