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Got my first straight! Chip in the blade?

Hey all! I recently bought my first straight and am really excited to use it. However, I closely inspected it yesterday after it arrived and found a small problem. Towards the the tip, there seems to be a small chip in the cutting edge of the blade. It is very small, but still there. Is this a serious problem?

on a side note - how often do you guys feel you have to hone?
if its visible with the naked eye its a real problem - did you get it private sale or from a vendor?
i bought the razor on BST here, the "chip" is so small i can just barely see it i think. i'll post some pictures when i get home, maybe that will help
i bought the razor on BST here, the "chip" is so small i can just barely see it i think. i'll post some pictures when i get home, maybe that will help

edit: You did buy it shave ready right? If not, thats just something you'll have to get fixed.

You can still see it with the naked eye. Its potentially very dangerous as it may extend into a crack during stropping and at best, it'll just not cut well in that area. Contact the seller and see if they will fix it. If they won't, let me know and I'll help you out, no charge.
i bought the razor on BST here, the "chip" is so small i can just barely see it i think. i'll post some pictures when i get home, maybe that will help

There is no need for pictures, if you can see the chip it's not shave ready, no matter what the seller says.

It happens every now and then. In fact I have pointed that out on seller's blurry pictures, only for them to claim those are artifacts, and later gotten PM from the buyer that there were no artifacts, just plain old chipping.
Some sellers are incompetent, others are deceitful on purpose, just as anywhere else.

Get it fixed one way or another, it's your face after all.
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