I'm looking for some know how from the guys out there who actually use these things and swear by the results. I've read your threads and posts, so I know it's possible to get a stellar shave with a Rolls. I'm just not quite sure what steps I need to take to get my blade truly shave ready.
I bought an Imperial 2 set at an antique shop a few weeks ago because it was the first complete Rolls Razor I've encountered, and they weren't asking $90 to $150 for it, which I have seen in some shops despite the fact those sets were unboxed with either cracked hones, chopped up strops, or completely missing case lids. My example has a pristine hone and strop, has no rust anywhere to be seen, and came in an orange and white box with the complete original instructions and original blade packaging. All of this for only $45. How could I just leave it there?!
This set represents the largest outlay of cash for any single piece in my collection, but since I hate buying razors sight unseen on fleabay, and for the reasons already mentioned above, I'm now a proud but somewhat unsure owner. I also hate buying shaving gear just for the ownership aspect. I use everything that comes into my den. But being a traditionalist, I really want to get this thing shave ready and keep it there using the process intended by the manufacturer.
I tried to use the Rolls this afternoon, and had a (mostly) comfortable WTG pass before I set it aside to complete my SOTD with my trusty '40s SS. Before putting blade to face, I honed the blade 25 full up and back strokes, then turned the blade 180 degrees and repeated the same number of strokes. I then did the same process with the strop. The whole pass went pretty well, with zero feedback noise, and I couldn't even feel the blade as it mowed down my day old stubble. Then I got to my chin and the tugging began. I'm mostly convinced that was due to complete lack of technique because I've never used this razor or a straight. I say mostly because I'm not sure the blade was fully shave ready. The whiskers in the sink told the tale of accomplishment, though. Nearly the usual amount from a single pass with any of my Gillettes.
I deferred to the SS for the remainder of the shave so I wouldn't fillet my face and convince myself I wasn't actually meant to shave with my newfound challenging whisker whacker.
Any tried and true methods you experienced Rolls Razor users can point out? Thanks, guys!
I bought an Imperial 2 set at an antique shop a few weeks ago because it was the first complete Rolls Razor I've encountered, and they weren't asking $90 to $150 for it, which I have seen in some shops despite the fact those sets were unboxed with either cracked hones, chopped up strops, or completely missing case lids. My example has a pristine hone and strop, has no rust anywhere to be seen, and came in an orange and white box with the complete original instructions and original blade packaging. All of this for only $45. How could I just leave it there?!
This set represents the largest outlay of cash for any single piece in my collection, but since I hate buying razors sight unseen on fleabay, and for the reasons already mentioned above, I'm now a proud but somewhat unsure owner. I also hate buying shaving gear just for the ownership aspect. I use everything that comes into my den. But being a traditionalist, I really want to get this thing shave ready and keep it there using the process intended by the manufacturer.
I tried to use the Rolls this afternoon, and had a (mostly) comfortable WTG pass before I set it aside to complete my SOTD with my trusty '40s SS. Before putting blade to face, I honed the blade 25 full up and back strokes, then turned the blade 180 degrees and repeated the same number of strokes. I then did the same process with the strop. The whole pass went pretty well, with zero feedback noise, and I couldn't even feel the blade as it mowed down my day old stubble. Then I got to my chin and the tugging began. I'm mostly convinced that was due to complete lack of technique because I've never used this razor or a straight. I say mostly because I'm not sure the blade was fully shave ready. The whiskers in the sink told the tale of accomplishment, though. Nearly the usual amount from a single pass with any of my Gillettes.
I deferred to the SS for the remainder of the shave so I wouldn't fillet my face and convince myself I wasn't actually meant to shave with my newfound challenging whisker whacker.
Any tried and true methods you experienced Rolls Razor users can point out? Thanks, guys!