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Gool dollars?

A whack of these on the bay, but when you look at the individual photo on the blade is gold dollar, not buying one but wondering whats that all about?
Who is mr parko, as seller?

Just looked at some of them. For some the seller is listed as Mr Parko (I bought a #208 from him with no problem). Couple of the other sellers are using his pictures so I'm guessing they're associated.
Just looked at some of them. For some the seller is listed as Mr Parko (I bought a #208 from him with no problem). Couple of the other sellers are using his pictures so I'm guessing they're associated.

I was guessing that someone was trying to take advantage of the reputation the gold dollar has gained as a decent razor. The Gold dollar is AKA double arrow, no?

Was the #208 that you got from him the same Gold Dollar I've been hearing about? For $12 I would like to have one just to practice honing, but don't want to get something like a zeepk that ( from what I've heard ) can't hold any edge.
I was guessing that someone was trying to take advantage of the reputation the gold dollar has gained as a decent razor. The Gold dollar is AKA double arrow, no?

Was the #208 that you got from him the same Gold Dollar I've been hearing about? For $12 I would like to have one just to practice honing, but don't want to get something like a zeepk that ( from what I've heard ) can't hold any edge.

I posted a thread here when I first got it. I don't know if I was particularly lucky/fortunate to get a decent example with no obvious flaws.

So far I've only had 3 shaves with the Gold Dollar #208. I had it honed by Bart (really nicely I might add). Even with my newbie stropping, it's as sharp now as when I got it back from him, so I'm optimistic :thumbup: I'll trust his experience when he says it is a fine blade! (See post #6)

I'd bought this one with the intention of using it to practice honing myself. This idea has slipped slightly, as I hadn't fully appreciated how much other stuff there is to get the hang of with straights.

I've actually just bought another 2 Gold Dollars, which I will be re-scaling and eventually honing! :001_smile
I was guessing that someone was trying to take advantage of the reputation the gold dollar has gained as a decent razor. The Gold dollar is AKA double arrow, no?

Was the #208 that you got from him the same Gold Dollar I've been hearing about? For $12 I would like to have one just to practice honing, but don't want to get something like a zeepk that ( from what I've heard ) can't hold any edge.

My 208.
I have a GD208 that I got to practice honing. I set the bevel on a DMT interupted 1200 grit, and honed on the DMT 8k. I followed that with 10 or so passes on a Carborundum barber hone, and then a few passes on CrOx.

I have been shaving with it as my primary razor for the past 4 months, and I have only felt the need to hit the CrOx once in that time. It is really an amazing piece of work if you don't mind the poor finish and scales.

This was the first razor that I never had honed by another person. I was pretty happy with how easy it was to get up to a shaving edge. I was also pretty sure that it would need more touch ups because of how easily it took an edge, but on this point I have been pleasantly surprised.

It's fun learning how to deal with the famous Gold Dollar smile. Mine also had a bit of a shoulder that was preventing good hone contact on one side. I took a dremel to the heel to grind the shoulder out of the way, and it hasn't been a problem since. In all it was twelve bucks well spent.

I have taken what I learned about honing and applied it to a Wade and Butcher as well as a Dubl Duck with great success.
I like Double Arrows and Gold Dollar razors. However, I will not form any opinions on the Gool Dollars myself. I will await an opinion to be foisted upon me by the powers that be over on SRP, which I will then march blindly in lockstep with until further notice.:001_rolle
Love me some DA and GD razors. In fact today i just received a set of GD 108 from Jacob (bigjacobsauctions). Which reminds me i need to hone them out. Dunno what's going on with the "gool dollars" though ???
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