I notice Oz stuff because we have one of the surviving munchkins living in my town of Dublin, Ga. Plus, one of granddaughters loves the movie and I've seen it more than a few times! )
1. No idea
2. No idea
3. Yes
there's a munchkin still alive????
how old is he/she?
One of the most overrated movies of all time.
Don't make me send out my flying monkeys! They'll get you and your little dog too!
It's a terrific film and one of the only musicals I can stand. I'm at a total loss as to how it's "one of the most overrated movies of all time." What is bad about it?
the interesting thing about this movie is that it wasn't particularly well received when it was originally released and shown at the cinema's. it wasn't seen as a classic, far from it.
it wasn't until TV repeats it in the 60's that it came to be loved the way it is now.