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Google Drops Nexus 4 price

Anyone thinking of getting an N4 but on the fence now is the time to hop off and pick one up. Google's dropped the price by about $100 on both the 8g and 16g models.
I got one a few moths ago and I'm really happy with. Lovely piece of tech, especially considering the recent price drop.

I'd advise getting a case to go with it, I promply dropped it and cracked my screen, a quick google revealed I'm not the only one. It appears designed to throw itself off any slightly inclined surface. The google bumper is a nice addition and should hopefully keep it safe from here on in.
Must mean the new version of a Nexus phone is due out soon.

Ironic that they had supply issues on release and now have inventory to liquidate.

I have one by the way and love it. If it had LTE it might be the last phone I'd buy for a few years. It doesn't and is no deal breaker for me right now. I usually use WiFi.

LTE is faster than cable internet where I live though. Guess you can't win them all.

The glass back is not the best design either. I bought the bumper Google Play sells.
That is very tempting. It's pretty much a no brainer at that price. It was far and away the best bang for the buck at $300 and now it's just a steal. The only real drawback is the lack of LTE, but if you can live without that, this deal can't be beat. I'm going to wait a couple of weeks as I'm transitioning jobs and have to see what the new company does with respect to phones. But if it's on me to get one, this is top of the list.
My LTE is faster than my internet at the house but I only have 300MB data and utilize wifi whenever possible! I don't have a Nexus. I have an LG Optimus. I will have it for a bit.


Here's hoping the N4 has bigger battery, LTE, and tough case. I have the N4, great phone but I need the three things mentioned in the previous sentence.
Here's hoping the N4 has bigger battery, LTE, and tough case. I have the N4, great phone but I need the three things mentioned in the previous sentence.

I understand the battery cannot be replaced on the N4. Is that correct?
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