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Goodbye Beard!

I had foot surgery in October. At the end of the month, I had a toe amputated. Gotta love diabetes. So, in the interim, I grew a beard since I could not stand to shave. And I kept it for a while. But a few nights ago, I shaved off the beard. What did I do to celebrate? Used my go-to gear!

T&H 1805 Shaving Cream
Merkur 38C
C&E Best Badger Brush
Thayer's Rose Petal splash

Best combo ever!

Face is smooth.
Life is good.



B&B Tease-in-Residence
Sorry to hear about the surgery, but happy to see you enjoyed your day. Welcome back :)
Congratulations on the recovery, Randy. Best beard removal celebration story I've heard in a while!
Sounds like a great shave! I always get my best shaves when I wait a day or two. Sorry about the foot and toe.
Oh mannn, sorry about the toe.:eek:
I like a having beard, but shaving it off is a great feeling:thumbup:; just don't give yourself razor burn by shaving too much at the start.
Enjoy the naked Face.
Hope your health goes up from here. Good luck.

When I had reconstructive foot surgery (age 17), I couldn't leave my bed for 2 weeks at least and then it was still shaky being on crutches and one foot...we still laugh about the time I lost my balance on crutches, fell down the one and only step in the house and grabbed the curtains of the open front door on the way down, crashing onto my back with a curtain rod coming down on me and door slamming shut... :laugh:

Where was I? Oh yes, over that 3-4 months of recovery, I ended up looking like Curt Cobain with a long goatee since I can't grow a full beard. I know where you are...feels good to finally get groomed up again.
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