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Good sxe razor to start ?

The tittle says it all
I'm new to the DE world (Soon getting a SE) but at one point I do wanna try straight edge razors ...
Can you give me an advice on this, which one to get, that performs good, that's a good starting point and will serve me well.

Nothing happening soon but i wanna have this in mind and put it on my list.

Thank you
get a 5/8-6/8 with a rounded point (will save a lot of bloodshed while learning your technique)
keep you eye on B/S/T sub-forum- there are many to be had at very good prices - and most will come shave ready to the standards of teh seller at least!

another option which I often recommend is to hit up larry at Whipped dog and get the whole kit n kaboodle for about $60-70 will have a poorman's strop, balsa wood and pastes to keep the edge sharp between honings... and Larry is a true stand up guy!!
dont get a spike, a true french point or a true square point it will bite you

sweet a milestone my 1500th post.
B&B you are costly ive spent more dollars than ive got posts

sorry had to put the milestone in
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dont get a spike, a true french point or a true square point it will bite you

sweet a milestone my 1500th post.
B&B you are costly ive spent more dollars than ive got posts

sorry had to put the milestone in

congrats on the 1500th post Kirk!!! sheesh, I've been a posting fool myself. not to mention a spending fool.

ahh B&B, land of true gentlemen (and ladies) and enablers like no other!!

congrats on the 1500th post Kirk!!! sheesh, I've been a posting fool myself. not to mention a spending fool.

ahh B&B, land of true gentlemen (and ladies) and enablers like no other!!


ill second that its not cheap but it is fun.
ive not had a Strop AD yet which is great ive had nearly every AD that the SR shavers have found. they are all too common
ill second that its not cheap but it is fun.
ive not had a Strop AD yet which is great ive had nearly every AD that the SR shavers have found. they are all too common

it is indeed fun!!

so......have you checked out Kanayama or Tony Millers yet??/ wink wink, nudge nudge
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