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Good sources and brands for Valet, GEM and Schick Type blades?

I know I've seen posts on this, but I can't seem to find them now.

I'm trying to find good sources of blades. I want to pick up several packs of blades for GEM, Valet and Schick type injectors.

Use Indian made Gillette Wilkenson Sword blades as premiums, and I'm trying to find something equivalent in price and quality for these other types.

I know I've heard of Personna or someone making a Valet compatible blade, but I can't find it.

The GEMs are probably not too challenging to find brands, but I would like input as to the cost vs. quality tradeoff.

I have to believe there are better blades out there than the Chinese Schick Injectors I see for $4.50. I've tried those was was not impressed. I hope there are cheaper ones too.

Thanks! I had already found some GEM blades on the bay, but I'll look there first next time on that too.

They only had 10 of the Feathers, but it's a start. I also got some of the Personnas.

Pretty funny, it's cheaper for me to buy the made in USA Personnas from a UK company and have them shipped back to the US than anywhere else I've found.
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