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Good Brush Holder?

After a year and a half of buying, selling and somehow buying more brushes than I really have room for (notice I didn't say "than I really need"!) I now turn to B&B'ers for their thoughts on how to hold the collection, which now sits at 13.
In my mind, I see a tall, black wire thingy that hangs on the wall. There are 3 or 4 horizontal shelves of wire and there are "dips" in the wire to hold the brushes. I see this as some kind of spice rack holder that (magically) fits my need for holding brushes.
Does this make any sense? I've searched for about a 1/2 hour on the river website and others and can't find anything that would work.
BTW, my bathroom is too small to fit a nice cabinet to hold the brushes, which I've seen others do.
Any thoughts, of great and mighty B&B'ers?
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