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Good blade for 58 superspeed

I recently picked up a reallly nice 58 superspeed and was wondering what blade some of you use in yours. I have Astras and Red pack personnas but was just checking.
I like Gillette 7 o'clock yellow pack in my flare tip ss and personna red pack blades in my slim adjustable super speed. I've been reading a lot about iridiums lately, may have to give them a go pretty soon to see what all the fuss is about.
I think the SS is pretty flexible and will shave well with a variety of blades.

I have used red IP's, derby's, crystals, and feathers in a SS. I guess my favorite for the SS is a Derby.
I like almost all the blades I've tried in my 58 SS, but the Gillette yellows and greens are my favorites. Wilkinsons are a close third.
My SS is a '49 and don't know if that makes a difference but so far I've gotten great blade life and smooth shaves out of Gillette Yellows and Crystals. I haven't tried Reds or Astra Platinums yet but will soon, I have some on order.
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