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Gonna be a rough summer.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
It was over 45 degrees c in some parts of my state today (113+ F). My bedroom at the top of my three story apartment is still well over 35 C. And humid. It is still spring...

I may expire before Autumn.

Just venting to kill time, because there is no way I will be sleeping in this sweat box.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Also, any tips for staying cool without AC will be appreciated. I am currently wearing a flannel shirt I soaked in cold water, as an experiment in evaporative cooling, but it is not working so well. And I can't wear a wet shirt to bed.
haha Aussie weather. I'm from Perth, so I feel your pain but can't offer any tips other than hang in there till the hot spell ends
David that is miserable. We typically do not see the extreme temperatures in the middle of the U.S. that you do but last summer here was the same thing. Lots of days it was between 100-108F and humidity can be near tropical. Mid 90s and brutal humidity is normal though. I have come to loathe high summer. And you lot are just getting started this season. I feel for you. Check out the Florida Water soak. I think you get a bowl of iced water and splash in a tablespoon or two of FW and then soak a wash cloth in it,xwring it a bit and wrap it around your neck area. Someone else may want to comment on the technique. I have not tried it.

Cheers, Todd
Only hit the low 30's today at my place (just south of Bundaberg), being near the sea helps too as the breeze usually picks up in the afternoon. Inland the temps hit mid to high 30’s.
Sitting out the back winding down with a cigar and a cognac, its quite pleasant with a light breeze and i can hear the waves crashing on the beach half a km away.

Sleep on the first floor if you can.
Invest in a window AC unit, and put it in the smallest room you have with a bed in it.
I also have really thick drapes/curtian thingys over all of my windows, they block light AND heat. And they were about the same price as regular ones. They sell them at Walmart/Target like stores.

If it gets really bad, buy a lot of dry ice and some fans. One window fan to suck out the hot air, and in the opposite corner put a bowl of dry ice in front of another fan to spread the cool air around.

Or you can come crash with me for a few months. I keep my apartment at 22 degrees!
It's near freezing here in England. I will gladly mail you a box of cold air if you send me some warm air in return! :biggrin1:
Portable window air conditioning unit would be your quickest and most comfortable option.

Stick it in and use it when you need to, then remove it once the heat breaks.

I have to do this for our cabin in New Hampshire. Most of the time the weather is perfect but there are a few weeks where it is miserable hot and the window unit has to go in or we have to go somewhere else :001_smile
I spent a lot of time in the tropics when I was younger and AC was never an option. A portable AC unit would be nice and you'd probably never regret whatever you pay for it. If that's out, my advice would be to exercise regularly, keep your sheets crisp and clean, and get a nice fan. Physical exhaustion eventually trumps uncomfortable heat.
I'm sitting on the edge of the ocean right now with winds hitting a consistent 45 (seems like it) mph along with rain. It's like a typhoon here in the San Francisco bay. Amazing.
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It could be rough here too - but at the other end of the spectrum. Today we had a high of 13 degrees Celsius (55F) and summer starts tomorrow!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Sleep on the first floor if you can.
Invest in a window AC unit, and put it in the smallest room you have with a bed in it.
I also have really thick drapes/curtian thingys over all of my windows, they block light AND heat. And they were about the same price as regular ones. They sell them at Walmart/Target like stores.

If it gets really bad, buy a lot of dry ice and some fans. One window fan to suck out the hot air, and in the opposite corner put a bowl of dry ice in front of another fan to spread the cool air around.

Or you can come crash with me for a few months. I keep my apartment at 22 degrees!

1st floor is the garage, and I'm sure the car was quite comfortable all night. Window AC is tricky here in Aus, most windows have winders rather than sliding up and down...

The dry ice idea is cool, but I can't buy that here either...

So I guess I'm crashing at your place for a bit. Hell of a commute to work each day though.

And in breaking news I now have to log off an unplug the computer due to a doozy of an electrical storm. Should drop the temp some though.

What's next? Locusts?
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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
A hot shower actually makes your perception of your surrounding feel cooler. It's more comfortable to take a cold shower, but once you get out its hot as heck and your cool skin condences the humid air and you get sticky again.

If all else fails think happy thoughts ;)
It was a cool 0/-1C when I left the house this morning with a strong headwind as I pedaled to work. On the way from work I was presented with a 0C temperature and about 1cm of slush/snow to pedal home through. Overall, it was awesome. But I could live with splitting the difference for a day or two!
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