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Golddachs Solingen?

Hi guys, I've recently received a new straight razor from my local shop. THe guy asked me to try it out, see how it hones up and shaves.
It honed up nicely, and the shave was mediocre at best.
Has anybody heard of this brand? I did some research and found that this company makes some brushes and software, that's about it. Any insight??

here's a photo with the razor. It doesn't have any stamps on the tang, but has "GOLDDACHS SOLINGEN" with a badger logo etched on the blade.
First thing that springs to mind is Golddachs shaving soap.

Maybe a re branded Dovo, I have seen Re branded Dovos.
"GoldDachs" is German for Gold Dollar...


I bet if you went back and re-did the bevel you'd wind up with a very nice shaver. 99% of all shaving problems come from not enough time setting the bevel.
Lol. Funny you say that. It is the German Gold Dollar!
The bevel was way better and it took far less work. Shaved kibd of like a GD also.
Any more info?

"GoldDachs" is German for Gold Dollar...


I bet if you went back and re-did the bevel you'd wind up with a very nice shaver. 99% of all shaving problems come from not enough time setting the bevel.
I'm just puzzled at your statement that it honed up nicely, yet shaved mediocre. If it shaved mediocre, that means it wasn't honed up nicely in my book. Take it back to the stones!

Other than that, I imagine it actually is a re-branded Dovo, or Chinese razor.
I agree that this statement may seem confusing. However, I'm beginning to think that it's edge holding abilities are subpar.
It seems that it shaved really well the first pass, great for the second, but it sucked by the time the 3rd pass- ATG.
I'll need to try and shave again today, before hitting the stones once yet.

I'm just puzzled at your statement that it honed up nicely, yet shaved mediocre. If it shaved mediocre, that means it wasn't honed up nicely in my book. Take it back to the stones!

Other than that, I imagine it actually is a re-branded Dovo, or Chinese razor.
Shave #2 was noticeably better than the previous one. Maybe I needed to strop it well. Heck, I don't even remember if I stropped it right after the hones!
Hi guys, I've recently received a new straight razor from my local shop. THe guy asked me to try it out, see how it hones up and shaves.
It honed up nicely, and the shave was mediocre at best.
Has anybody heard of this brand? I did some research and found that this company makes some brushes and software, that's about it. Any insight??

here's a photo with the razor. It doesn't have any stamps on the tang, but has "GOLDDACHS SOLINGEN" with a badger logo etched on the blade.

I too, received one from a local GTA shop to try out. On receipt there was no spot on the blade that would cut a hair at all like a razor. Most of the length seemed to be rolled with some flats near the heel. Honed it last night and the blade seemed a little harsh off the 16K. A little more stropping than my norm and it gave a surprisingly good shave this morning. So much so, I am looking forward to using it again tomorrow. Soap was Floris JF, two passes, one WTG, one ATG. As an odd point of reference, I recently received two new Thiers Issard 7/8 Dreadnoughts. The GoldDachs gave me a better shave! If the blade holds an edge it will be a case of less is more.
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I too, received one from a local GTA shop to try out. On receipt there was no spot on the blade that would cut a hair at all like a razor. Most of the length seemed to be rolled with some flats near the heel. Honed it last night and the blade seemed a little harsh off the 16K. A little more stropping than my norm and it gave a surprisingly good shave this morning. So much so, I am looking forward to using it again tomorrow. Soap was Floris JF, two passes, one WTG, one ATG. As an odd point of reference, I recently received two new Thiers Issard 7/8 Dreadnoughts. The GoldDachs gave me a better shave! If the blade holds an edge it will be a case of less is more.

We probably got it from the same guy!
who gave you this razor to try?
Just curious. I actually also found it rather harsh off the 15k stone, but OK after some excessive stropping!
I wouldn't call it a great shaver, but it is alright.
I have a bunch of Vintage razors that shave way better
I assume from the same gent (SH). It will hit a good price/performance point for a starter. Here is a fast shot of the one I have. Couldn't get the bevel looking as I would like on the face side. Back side is pretty good though. Sounds like our experience with it is very similar.

$GoldDachs Post (1280x960).jpg
Yup. SH is the man!
Looks to be the same reaults/experience for both of us. However, I think that my TIs shave better than this Golddachs. ;)
In any case, I agree. It's a good starters razor, that'll be fairly affordable. I'd be excited if these were priced around the $60-$70 mark. I do think, however, that they'll price it higher than that. It'll bring it right up the alley of some Dovos and restored vibtage razors out there- which I'd prefer to use, by far!

I assume from the same gent (SH). It will hit a good price/performance point for a starter. Here is a fast shot of the one I have. Couldn't get the bevel looking as I would like on the face side. Back side is pretty good though. Sounds like our experience with it is very similar.

View attachment 357039
Just for clarity, the TIs were used directly out of the factory sealed packaging, no honing first. My TIs have run the extremes from great shavers to poor out of the box. The GD blade wasn't going to shave anyone without a good run on the hones first. The GD will probably appeal for the price point and ease of acquisition for someone visiting the shop in person. We will have to stay tuned...
Ohh, agreed!
My TIs were brutal out of the box! Yuk!
Lol. Stay tuned we will!

Four shaves in and they have all been more than acceptable. Close, even, no extra touch ups or irritation. Stropped it with some Thiers Issard white paste to see if it improves a little for tomorrow's shave. The GD left more colour on the strop than I expected so the metal might be a tick softer than my other razors. Had a long hard look at the edge with my loupe and it appears to be holding up well and I think improved with the TI paste. A little early to firm up a final opinion. I do have some stones on order so if they show soon I might see if I can improve the edge with a further light honing.
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Yup. SH is the man!
Looks to be the same reaults/experience for both of us. However, I think that my TIs shave better than this Golddachs. ;)
In any case, I agree. It's a good starters razor, that'll be fairly affordable. I'd be excited if these were priced around the $60-$70 mark. I do think, however, that they'll price it higher than that. It'll bring it right up the alley of some Dovos and restored vibtage razors out there- which I'd prefer to use, by far!

This razor is marked down to $49.99 at Red Envelope, and they have an additional 30% off today, making it only $34.99.

Thought some of you gents may be interested!

Golden Badger straight? Interesting. But at that price I could get a fairly decent used from the 'bay.

There are a lot of the more expensive Golddachs straights around, too.
I just honed one of these, it took an age to get the bevel set in the middle section. Should be good from now on tho. Very good quality for the price I thought.
As far as I know, Golddachs don't make razors. Seems like a rebranded product to me.

Golddachs (Pfeilring) makes these razors entirely themselves in their own factory(starting with the pre-forged blank), and all the razors with this logo (made ~4-5yrs now) have not been produced by anyone but them. They're not re-branded anything. Any saying so above are incorrect.

They do have the full hollow secondary ridge indicating the performing of process, but are nonetheless *not* as thin/flexible as Dovo/Boker/NTS/Thiers/Revisor/Wacker on average. I'd call them a half-hollow grind with appearance cues of a full hollow.

Factory edges only surpassed by Thiers and Boker for nadir, but TI/Boker factory 'zeniths' are much better than what these are sent as from the ~100 or so we've had. I've not seen a single one of these I'd call 'shave ready' and I've seen, on rare occasion, some TIs that when you wiped off the Ballistol and took the the arm hair ~4mm above skin plane all you could see was hairs coming off, couldn't even hear it or really sense the hair react to the knife, just a magical and silent division. I've never seen a Boker or Dovo do that but I've seen plenty of each that I would call ready for use straight away.

If you like your 5/8" razor *stiff* and don't mind honing for your supper, they're quite well tempered, assembled, and hold their edge (that takes much honing to earn) quite well, in fact in that one regard I will suspect they're the best 5/8" we've sold, though I know a fan of the basic-model NTS' will fervently disagree (says he's honed once and shaved with it HUNDREDS of times w/o needing touch-up, must be a hell of a stropper and beard prepper). Never did understand why people care so much about edge retention, for me if it can go 6-8 shaves before I think it wants some stone time I'm happy, touch-up honing is fun it is only that bevel-making stuff that's like labor.

In my old age I'm really tiring of consistently dull or unground factory edges. Hollow grinding and temper is one thing, but there's really no excuse to pawn off this labor on resellers, and this is why our shop doesn't sell TIs anymore. Just as we'd had never-seen-better TI specimens, we'd have pcs that were still not even cutting hair flush to skin after 30 long minutes on 1000-grit waterstone, and it didn't have any correlation to the cost of the razor which was which, the $500 model could be butterknife dull and the $125 model a magic laser! Complaining would only earn a (beautifully-French) explanation for why this was (and was not awry), so @ some pt one tires of this and moves on.
Hi guys, I've recently received a new straight razor from my local shop. THe guy asked me to try it out, see how it hones up and shaves.
It honed up nicely, and the shave was mediocre at best.
Has anybody heard of this brand? I did some research and found that this company makes some brushes and software, that's about it. Any insight??

here's a photo with the razor. It doesn't have any stamps on the tang, but has "GOLDDACHS SOLINGEN" with a badger logo etched on the blade.

Yes! They have been around for some time. They are priced as a good entry razor and some a little more priced than what I would pay for the sizing. But while I have no personal use I have not heard much in feedback. I think TSS sells these.
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