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Gold Super Adjustable.

Are these hard to come by? I just picked one up at a consignment shop this past Saturday. It sure is nice to look at, but shaves just the same as my Black Beauty :)
I think it is fair to say that they fall into that grey area between rare and common. You see them now and then but if nice they sell for more that a plain Super Adjustable.
I gave 15 for mine. Also, I have two super adjustables, both with metal plates. I guess the black beauty was just the 80's version with the plastic plates.
I've never seen one. Do they still have the black anodized handle like normal? That sounds like a pretty sweet looking razor.
From what I understand, they were only for the last quarter of 1969 (O4) and first quarter of 1970 (P1)

I have one of each, but my P1 is slighty worn. My O4 is uber-minty :thumbup:

And yes - same black handle as a regular black beauty.
I don't know that it would be considered very rare. As they have may only made them for one quarter and or year, I would bet to say they made more of these than they did double rings in a quarter. I see them around for $10-20 where I'm at.
I don't know that it would be considered very rare. As they have may only made them for one quarter and or year, I would bet to say they made more of these than they did double rings in a quarter. I see them around for $10-20 where I'm at.

Wow, the few I've seen on fleabay went for $50 and up. :( Is the reason I don't have one yet, I can't justify paying that much for one. If you encounter a decent shape P1 model, I'll happily pay you double your $10-$20 cost for it. lol
Yes, they are hard to find. My birth year/quarter razor is an O-4, fourth quarter of 1969. The black and gold Super Adjustable was released as a holiday item in the fourth quarter of 1969 and maybe persisted until the second quarter of 1970. I've seen P-1's in that color, but not sure about P-2's.

I have been able to find a couple of nice O-4 black and silver versions and one very dubious black and gold O-4. That razor in nice shape remains one of my must-own razors.
They're nice to have especially if you get caught in a "must have adjustables" warp.

In a warp....sounds about right....think it would fit in nicely between No.8 and No.9........:thumbup:

Wow, the few I've seen on fleabay went for $50 and up. :( Is the reason I don't have one yet, I can't justify paying that much for one. If you encounter a decent shape P1 model, I'll happily pay you double your $10-$20 cost for it. lol

I looked on recently sold items on ebay, and only a small amount went for $50 or more. Most were $15-$25
It's always hit or miss on there, but I"ll keep my eye open for ones out here.

Wow, thanks. :) I try to keep my eye open as well, but badly listed auctions mixed with imperfect search parameters means not everyone sees all the same auctions listed. lol
Cool find! My regular shaver is an Aristocrat. I wanted to pick up a Fatboy next until I saw that there were Aristocrat adjustables... :drool: that's my new dream razor that I am going to hold out for. Congrats on the pick up though!
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