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After doing restorations and honing for quite some time, I've decided to delve into creating my own functioning works of art. So far I purchased a B3 Bader Belt grinder 2 hp with variable speed control with platen, slack-arm, small wheel and 8", 4", 2" contact wheels (and regular tooling arm as well). As far as the small wheel tooling arm, I went with 9/16", 1/2", and 1" I believe. One of the engineers (Doug) is actually going to build me a storage tree for all my tooling arms.

I also purchased a Paragon PMT-10 front loading kiln and a plethora of accessories to go with it. All I really need now is a decent vertical band saw capable of rough cutting metal. Aside from that I have all the standard tools needed for scale fabricating. I have a domain name but not a website yet; actually the most expensive investment seems to be just that. So far I got quotes from $5k to $8k for a basic, non-monetized site, which is ridiculous in my opinion. I'm going to see what I can come up with first before I start throwing that kind of money around.

I'm looking for really rare scale material...human bone, fossilized bones, rare woods, rare tusks, etc. I want my straight razors to be unique works of art, that are functional and a joy to shave with.

When I get my Bader I think I'll be retiring my modified bench grinder with arbor modifications! The belt grinder is incredibaly versatile, so I can't wait to get it in my shop. I already drew up about 20 different designs, so I can't wait to get started. Other tools I'll be utilizing will be my scroll saw, drill press, stationary sander, and baldor buffer. Though I need to find a metal-cutting band saw with a quickness that is reliable. I don't want to break the bank, per se, but I don't mind spending a little extra if it will serve me for years to come. I'll be posting pics of my ventures into this dieing art form!
Wow, good luck on your venture. Not sure about human bone scales though, seems a little too extreme for me. In any case good luck and no pics, it never happened! ;)
I'm very serious; I have a couple that have human bone in them from about 150 years ago. My main focus is to create razors based on what people want. I'm not a psycho, or any derivation of; though I highly respect materials that are hard to procure and have an intrinsic value!
You can buy human bone display anatomical skeletons. They're pretty expensive because they are highly sought after by collectors but they're around.
I'm very serious.....I'm not a psycho
OK, you've bought a kiln and you want to use human bones. How about killing someone - you can then dispose of the evidence in the kiln! Job done and another tick on your bucket list. :thumbup:
You could set up a pie shop like your avatar did, that way you cover your costs and feed the starving millions at the same time.
Man, youve dived right in to a pretty nice setup!

Have you any experience with razor making/heat treatment etc etc?
I would venture to guess your bone scales from 150 years ago are made of ox bone and not human bone. But whatever. But like bakerandbadger said pics or it didn't happen.
Very cool, looking forward to seeing your work.

Creating a website should not cost that much, you can build your own with the right software and does not cost an arm and a leg.

If you have a Mac, iWeb makes it easy.
I'm not a psycho, or any derivation of

Um.... You're obsessed with straight razors... I think that qualifies. At least you're in good company around here.

A lot of the vendors on here have simple ecommerce sites. I would consult with Rickboone1 as a starting point. His stinkandstain.com is basic, but functional.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Hopefully he hones them on the Ultimate Coticule. That would jump the price up just a bit :)
You can find bones in lots of places. I know this old biker who carries a leg bone around with him. He can not carry a gun or a knife but said he has yet to find a law against having a leg bone!
Make it a truly unique razor and remove part of your shin bone for your scales. Imagine... shaving with a razor scaled with YOUR OWN BONES! Is that class, or what?
Totally agree, what's a leg when compared to a magnificent razor, a personalised monicker on B&B and going down in history as straight razors answer to Van Gogh?
OK, you've bought a kiln and you want to use human bones. How about killing someone - you can then dispose of the evidence in the kiln! Job done and another tick on your bucket list. :thumbup:
You could set up a pie shop like your avatar did, that way you cover your costs and feed the starving millions at the same time.

You figured out my master plan...oh well; time for plan b...
Make it a truly unique razor and remove part of your shin bone for your scales. Imagine... shaving with a razor scaled with YOUR OWN BONES! Is that class, or what?

I have a ring with one of my teeth embedded in it; he, on the other hand, can only see 10% out of his right eye, can't move his neck more than three inches to the right, has a plastic septum and partial jaw implant, and most importantly will never hit on my wife in my presence ever again. Well, she's an ex wife now so, all that for nothing...
Very cool, looking forward to seeing your work.

Creating a website should not cost that much, you can build your own with the right software and does not cost an arm and a leg.

If you have a Mac, iWeb makes it easy.

I have a Mac, and I use bluehost; I have a few domain names already. In fact, I came up with one for the sole purpose of creating a forum on how to archive information to perpetuate this dieing art form. Not sure whether to use a wordpress template or what; I have friends that are programmers, so I'll see. But I'll check out IWeb; Thanks for the info!
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