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Going Back In...

I served in the Navy Reserves for a while and went inactive a few years ago. The Navy and I never fit right, too much Army in my blood. I have decided, with my wife's blessing, that it is time to go back in. I am swithch services and will be joingin the National Guard. I go down to MEPS tomorrow to take the DLAB and get everything finalized and sworn in.

The main reason I'm doing this is that it is something that I want to do and have been thinking about for a long time. Add to that my current job is coming to an end. I work in the IT department at a bank that was pruchased back in January. It has been extremely stressful since then. I am currently a tempory employee and will most likely not get hired by the new bank. I am hoping that the MOS I get will help open some doors for me in the dismal job market in GA.
I have 3 that I'd really like to find an open slot for: 35F, 35L, or 35M. I have some others in mind should those not work out.
Please consider Air National Guard... I know several people who have served in it, and they say it is an absolute pleasure.

Air Power. ;)..

Good luck either way. :thumbup:
All my family's best to you sir! One of the proudest days of my life was when my oldest son joined the Marines. What great and tough work our Armed Servicemen and women do.
Not in yet. A few weeks ago I got a physical done by the National Guard, but Tuesday night I got a call to tell me that I needed another physical but it had to be done at MEPS. They weren't going to be able to do it while I was down there for the DLAB. So I get to go back down next Wendesday for that and to get everything finalized. Oh well, just got to keep going back til I get what I want.

BTW the DLAB is one messed up test. I didn't do well enough to get a priority language, but then I wasn't planning on being a linguist or translator. No big deal.
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