Go to P&G"S Old spice website and create spin on how great SHULTON"S formula was via their blog site. Ultimately, the focus of this campaign should be such...
To attempt to arouse curiosity in those that have never smelled TRUE OS to pressure P&G to return to the true formula- via P&G"S Old Spice web page blog site. We should attempt to create a "hyped craze" in a positive fashion, much like Apple has done with the I POD. Links to the site are supplied below.
Tell your friends and family to do the same!
To attempt to arouse curiosity in those that have never smelled TRUE OS to pressure P&G to return to the true formula- via P&G"S Old Spice web page blog site. We should attempt to create a "hyped craze" in a positive fashion, much like Apple has done with the I POD. Links to the site are supplied below.
Tell your friends and family to do the same!