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Go to P&G"S Old Spice website to ceate spin on how great Shulton's formula was.

Go to P&G"S Old spice website and create spin on how great SHULTON"S formula was via their blog site. Ultimately, the focus of this campaign should be such...

To attempt to arouse curiosity in those that have never smelled TRUE OS to pressure P&G to return to the true formula- via P&G"S Old Spice web page blog site. We should attempt to create a "hyped craze" in a positive fashion, much like Apple has done with the I POD. Links to the site are supplied below.
Tell your friends and family to do the same!



Actually going through the thread and I hope someone within the Old Spice team at P&G is doing analysis on the the blog post replies. The basic theme after seeing a lot people wanting the classic shulton formula scent after shave back in a glass bottle is they miss the classic scent in the body spray.

I think the P&G team underestimated the number of fans of the legacy product at the same time they are trying to reposition Old Spice to go head to head with Axe (dumb move from this marketer's opinion).
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This is the third thread you've started on this topic, and you only have six posts. It's looking like your sole purpose for being a member here is to use this forum as a soapbox for this "campaign." I think you've made your point. Time to let it go.
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That would be interesting, since that would require P&G to either lie, or admit they have been lying. You see, according to P&G, the scent has not changed; what we have now IS the true OS.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
This is the third thread you've started on this topic, and you only have six posts. It's looking like your sole purpose for being a member here is to use this forum as a soapbox for this "campaign." I think you've made your point. Time to let it go.

Mr. Reference Point has spoken :wink2: Good catch Mr. Caine.

P&G if they ever chose to say anything, would probably be off the record and recommend buying Shulton products from India. Not sure how that licensing would play out if someone ever decided to sell it directly from U.S. soil though; that part's been a mystery to me.
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