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Give recognition (or shame) to the products that we have FINALLY finished.

I have started this thread for all of us to share our experiences of those products that we have recently completed. A majority of us probably have enough “stuff” to last a decade (if not a lifetime) and with the constant shuffle of our rotations, we very rarely reach the bottom of puck, tube, container, bottle, etc. Feel free to also include comments on any hardware that may have unfortunately reached an untimely end.

With that said, post a pic and give a few brief comments on your stuff that have recently bit the dust.


Just last night, I finished off a puck of Stirling Soaps Tuscany and my first ever tube of CO Bigelow cream. Overall, I was very happy with the soap but I would not re-purchase this particular scent again as getting shave-ready lather was little bit more time-consuming than other soaps. On the other hand, the CO Bigelow cream is a keeper and I would re-purchase once my stash of 4 tubes is gone in about 3-4 years ;)
TOBS Sandalwood...smooth, silky great lather, the scent is phenomenal and is all things manly. I finished this great tub of cream...actually two of them lol brothers so to speak haha. And now been out a good long time, I think I should get another tub the stuff was too good not too...was my first and one of my fave creams.
Proraso Green - Gets talked about daily, no need to comment!
Bluebeards Revenge Cream - Great cream from the UK. Knows as Dreadnought in the USA. They did a soap that was just MWF with a different label, not sure about the cream in terms of re-branding or original but they've now released several new products including shampoo, shower gel, moisturiser and brushless cream.
Things I've finished:

Palmolive stick (in a dish) - Cheap, nice smell, slick, protective, great soap.

Van Der Hagen Deluxe soap - Cheap, great clean smell, slick when wet, not the best cushion.

CO Bigelow cream - Nice smell, nice menthol effect, plenty of cushion (can get sticky when dry), not the slickest though.

Taylor of Old Bond Street cream samples - Variety of great smells, plenty of cushion, great creamy lather, fairly slick for a cream.

Kiss My Face cream - Cheap, variety of decent smells, makes kind of a dry and sticky lather, not too slick, works well in a superlather with a glycerin soap though.
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