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Gillette Weight and Handle Length Question

Could somebody please tell me the weight of a post-1921 ball end handled Gillette Old Type and the length of the handle (including the ball)?Also the weight and handle length of a ball end handled Tech?Looking at the mr-razor site, I see there's a lot of variation in Gillette output over the years so there may be more than one handle length and razor weight for each of the types I've described but where can I find this information?
Is there any reason why u need these exact specs?

Well... I've got an Old Type clone which shaves very nicely and I started wondering how closely it resembled an actual Gillette Old Type in its physical characteristics.
I looked at the mr-razor site again after posting this topic and found that my clone resembles the "Genuine" Ivory Soap promo version in weight (54g) and handle length (8.3cm) as well as cosmetically, except that the base plate of the clone is simply stamped "Made In England" with no other markings.

I also have an English crosshatched aluminium handled Tech from the 1960s and wondered how closely it would resemble a ball end Tech if I swapped the handle for that of the Old Type clone. I think I'm way off the mark on this one though since the weight with the swapped handle is lighter than the specs I can find for a real ball end Tech (45g vs 60g). Also I think the real handle is shorter than the Old Type handle and the Tech head slightly different in construction from the later aluminium version which I'm using.

Having said this though, the 45g version with the clone handle seemed very well balanced and shaved beautifully. When I used a Chinese handle weighted with lead shot, that brought the razor weight up to 56g but it seemed unbalanced since the head was so light. I'm guessing that in a real​ ball end Tech the head is also heavier to keep the balance.
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