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Gillette Vienna Vest-Pocket Razor Early 1920's ?

Finally got my hands on one of these sets, and just wondering if its Mismatch Set? Heads seems to be in alot better Shape then the Brass handle that has lost all of its Plating :eek:/ I also found Two Different Vienna Vest-Pocket Razors on Mr-razor dot come, Seems like i got the handle of the 1920's Pocket Set and the Case of the 1921-1928 Pocket set? Could these Handles have been interchangeable or Gillette Prepared them with either handle ? Here are pics of what i have and also Pics of what Mr Razor has on his site. Any info or input is appreciated :thumbup1: Thanks.


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    $Gillette Vienna Vest Pocket Razor.jpg
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Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Head could easily have been switched at some point in the last 80 years.

Man, I gotta find one of those silvertone boxes!
Finally got my hands on one of these sets, and just wondering if its Mismatch Set? Heads seems to be in alot better Shape then the Brass handle .......

Hey Vargas,
congrats, you're finding some neat stuff lately.
And FWIW, as I've gotten older my head seems to be in better shape than my lower half also :biggrin1:
Hey Vargas,
congrats, you're finding some neat stuff lately.
And FWIW, as I've gotten older my head seems to be in better shape than my lower half also :biggrin1:
Thanks, I'm just glad i was able to aquire this case, as it isnt everyday you see it. I think the head is correct and the handle is a gillette handle as well, just not sure if this set came with this handle or the ball end? Since they were both made around same time i would think its possible?
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Sorry for the gravedig, its relevant though haha instead of making a new thread.

Heres my set, sorry for the crappy picture and non cleaned razor :( Need to get round to cleaning them all.

$vienna set.jpg

Vienna set but the comb says made in England. Might be a replaced comb but im not sure, i hope its all original :)
I started a thread about these razors at the beginning of this year, and was told how unlikely it was for me to have found one in a bunch of razors I bought there. I was told that many copycat examples exist. I believe mine to be genuine. It's container is the only thing that is missing. I bought every razor that store had and placed them in a Baggie for later examination, and EVERY one was genuine as far as I can tell. Here is a link to the one I have.


Is there any way to identify a copy?
Looks like a proper head and handle to me. What is harder to find is the tiny case with the <Gillette> Logo on it, but lately a few this year have poped up, Proper case that is. Keep your eyes open and search everyday and maybe you will come by it. :eek:)

I started a thread about these razors at the beginning of this year, and was told how unlikely it was for me to have found one in a bunch of razors I bought there. I was told that many copycat examples exist. I believe mine to be genuine. It's container is the only thing that is missing. I bought every razor that store had and placed them in a Baggie for later examination, and EVERY one was genuine as far as I can tell. Here is a link to the one I have.


Is there any way to identify a copy?
Someone else I know got it - the price became high quickly. He likes more aggressive razors, so it's probably better that he got it.
i got one that looks very simulare to that razor but its made in germany not by gillette i have not tried it yet. says m.i. germany on it.


Did anyone shaved with such razor? I found one and while cleaning, de- and reassembling it, it felt really out of balance. I had to hold it almost directly under the head to get a comfortable grip. The hollowed out handle without a knob is very light compared to the head imho.

Did anyone shaved with such razor? I found one and while cleaning, de- and reassembling it, it felt really out of balance. I had to hold it almost directly under the head to get a comfortable grip. The hollowed out handle without a knob is very light compared to the head imho.

Yes I have shaved with mine, it is a bit aggressive but with the right blade is very comfortable.. Mine feels very balanced but I always hold under the head with fingertips anyway no matter which razor I'm using. Post a pic for us with it assembled. I would love to see it. Here's mine. It has been well used.



thanks for the input. I tried to hold it grabbing the middle and lower section, like my other razors, but it didn't work well.

This is mine, sorry for the background, had to take the shot outside.


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